I've Fallen! And I need to MMP!

dicey, when I make pimento cheese, I use swampy’s recipe with some cayenne.

metal mouse, when you replace your light bulb, try using an LED bulb. They practically last forever. Be careful when you do though. :slight_smile:


shoe, add me to the chorus singing Chewy’s praises. I buy Nelson’s food, flea collars and toys there and they are delivered right to my doorstep (important with the big bags of food or, in your case, litter).

Irked until 1:30 (very productive), bought groceries and took Nelson to the vet. She debrided the owie and found a splinter. A little antibiotic salve and instructions to keep it clean and apply the salve twice a day was the verdict. I asked about the dog park and the vet said it was permissible, since his harness covered the wound.

The Captain fixed supper and now, it’s chill time.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

I also called the mangos. I’m STILL retraining myself to call them Bell Peppers! I love the red, orange, and yellow ones. Dislike the green ones. Greatly.

Hi friends,

Been reading, but haven’t had the energy to respond. Been a combination of busy (which is a good thing) and just blah. I’m joining the rest of you under the painful/crabby thundercloud. Going to go for a hot bath after I get off here and hoping it will ease that a bit. TBH, though, I’m a lot crabbier than the pain really warrants.

Took on some kids who need looking after a few days a week. They’re wild and extremely destructive, so I’m learning how to navigate that- both how to childproof the house/what things need to be locked away (i.e. pretty much everything) and just sort of who they are and what makes them tick. So that’s a good thing, overall- better than just being in my own head all the time.

At the same time, I’m doing intensive outpatient/group therapy via video chat and those two things overlap at some points. I’m not loving group therapy, but it’s never really been my jam. Having it on video chat is weird, too, because it makes it much less like a conversation and more like a series of individual therapy sessions, only we’re all listening in to each other’s. It’s awkward and now extra awkward now that I keep getting interrupted by random kid questions. I’m working on a few ways to cut down on that, so I guess we’ll see what helps and what doesn’t.

My hospital/medical app keeps pinging me with notifications and- another way I can tell I’m too crabby for my own good- *buzz * “You have a new message” “UGH WHAT NOW?” … and of course none of them are anything unexpected. Just appointment reminders, mostly. I think they’re stressing me out mostly because a lot of the bills are coming in all at once and my ability to pay them is… well, I’m going to have to figure something out. So far, that’s meant telling the one-on-one therapist that I’ll call her when I’m in a better position (if I ever am) because even the co-pay is out of my price range. And the rest… I mean, PT is important and takes priority. I guess next ECT session, I’ll ask about what the ramifications would be of stopping now. And the groups… I’d be okay with dropping those.

Also, as we speak, I’m being asked to take a foster dog. Just briefly got a look at his picture yesterday and, as I recall, he’s about thirteen years old, very underweight, heartworm positive, possibly blind, and missing most of his hair. So of course I want him, but I think I’m already trying to balance too much. I’ll get all the relevant info- like if he has somewhere to go if I don’t take him and, importantly, what my landlord thinks- and then decide. There’s a good chance that if I do take him, I’ll have him for the rest of his life.

um… so that’s the news.

Not far away. She was born and raised in Dayton. Her mother’s claim to fame was playing with kids who liked throwing rocks at those weirdos who owned the bicycle shop and building experimental aircraft (Wright Brothers).

Your mom sounds like a very astute woman.

I tell people the reason I’ve been married so long, is that murder is still illegal.


Bell peppers are ‘mangoes’? Sounds weird to this native Californian. (Full disclosure: I’d heard this before – probably here.)


I grew up calling them mangos too. I’m originally from northern Indiana, but the area where I lived was heavily settled by folks from the hills, my mom’s family included. I was never sure if it was a Hoosier thing or a hillbilly term.

My local Wingstop is doing more than its part in TVCTPMO. Yesterday, we gave up on even ordering because their website did not offer an apparent way to add an apartment number and the “staff” at the restaurant we called were spectacularly unhelpful.

Today, I tried their app. Was able to get our address entered properly, but several items failed to arrive and the location that sent the order is NOT answering their phone (and they’re open for several more hours, at least officially). We’re interacting with said chain on Facebook to deal with this.

The “front line” is still making the callers look like geniuses, with the possible exception of the web caller I got today who had me thinking the average first-grader could have handled following instructions better.

What’s that mean?

And would it help to assume all your callers went out for margaritas with Johnny ? Somehow, it’s easier for me to keep me feathers unruffled if I think, “Oh, you’re just drunk. Got it.”

No clue, but the third result from google:

Not helpful at all, but amusing to me.

Yeah, the only coherent Google results I get all referred to one MMP or another. The rest were pure gibberish, including character strings for folks setting up spoof emails! :open_mouth:

Now I’m dying to know!

TVCthat piss me off. You’re on your own for ‘TVC’- I remembered more than my share.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 68 Amurrkin out and partly cloudy with a predicted high of 85 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. This is pretty much the norm for around here this time of year. I shall betake myself over to the church house to assist with whatever mowage, trimmin’, etc. that may need doin’. Other than that no real plan for the day. Sup shall be chili/cheese/slaw dawgs and fries. Fart fest to follow.

TVCTPMO = The Vast Conspiracy To Piss Me Off. The term was coined by BBBobbio who no longer comes in to play with us. It is the extreme Mumper state of paranoia.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then I shall make myself presentable enough to be seen by others and go do my thang. Rah.

Happy Sattidy Y’all!

Awake and abed listening to rain falling and spousal unit snoring. Today we’ll put more of the house together and start cleaning and reupholstering the dining room and breakfast bar chairs. Maybe more, maybe not. TBD.


Happy Saturday!

I’m up and getting ready for the 0830 soccer game; and I also agreed to referee at 12:00noon and 1:30pm…oh joy. At least it looks dry for the day and only 66F now, heading for 77F.

Not awake enough to respond, will do better once caffeine has been administered. All y’all have a good weekend now.

Good morning all. It looks a bit overcast out there. I fed my sourdough starter and made some coffee. In a while, TIS will wake up and we will go to the Kosher bagel shop for a light breakfast. We have no hard and fast plans from there. I received my last paycheck yesterday so dinner tonight will be out somewhere fancy.

I went and was not needed, so back to da cave I came and showered. Since I do not have ush duty for the first time in forever, we shall have a Sunday N.O.L. (appropriately called Sunday dinner in the south) of baked ham, N.O.T. sallit, green beans, squish casserole and rolls. This means I must busy myself in the kitchen today. I shall bake the ham, make the N.O.T. sallit, prep the squish casserole, and maybe even go ahead and cook the beans. I’m thinkin’ we shall sup on some ham and N.O.T. sallit this evenin’. JDD and Partner, along with us, shall go deheathenate at nine a.m. tomorrow, then come back to da cave for Bloody Mary’s, cheese straws (which they are bringin’) and then feast. 'Twill be a fun and silly time as it always is when we get together.

MetalMouse have fun coachin’ and refereein’ today.

Hippie y’all enjoy that fancy dinner.

ETA: Peach cobbler and ice cream for dessert! YUM!

Hope that your soccer games go well today metal mouse.

Enjoy dinner hippy!

Up, caffeinating, breakfasting, towels and sheets in the wash and fixing to shower after KP and go to get my flu shot. Anybody need me to pick up anything while I’m at Tar-jay? :stuck_out_tongue:

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Looked in my Joy of Cooking, which calls pimentos, pimientos and mentions that there are those in the midwest that call bell peppers, mangoes.

I’ve decided to make 10 favorites recipes of my grandmother’s, all in the month of October. So far I have pimento cheese, popovers and coconut cream pie. Probably some peanut butter cookies. Did I mention she liked her sweets?

Hope it warms up a bit. This morning’s low was 7 C (44 F) with lots of wind and cold rain. A bit chilly for September. Still need to plant the tulip bulbs I bought some weeks ago.

Stay safe and warm.

Blimey Dots, you don’t go in for an easy time of things do you? How old are the kids?

Nowt much to report from over here.

I’m now proper job hunting again, 'cos irk is just getting a bit silly- I’m losing hours, having extra classes suddenly dropped on me, then suddenly taken away (students are getting annoyed as well and not knowing where to be, and I can’t blame 'em) being pestered to fill out registers on the computer system, despite the fact that they’re all wrong, and I can’t change them… All that, and I’m not sure it’s even going to be enough to live on. It certainly won’t be enough to save anything, and it’s spread over so many days that my odds of finding anything to work around it are minimal. It’s annoying- much of the actual irk is really nice, but… I’m envying you retired folks.

Anyway; I’m off today at least. Been to give the bees their combs back, now I’ve pinched the honey out of 'em, and done the shopping. It’s sunny but chilly, so I’m probably staying in for the rest of the day.