I've got Packer Tickets! I wish I could get excited...

Yes, I – Packer fan through and through, born and raised in Green Bay, have scored tickets for the game this Monday.

Normally I would be doing the dance of joy. Monday Night Football! At Lambeau Field! And me not one of the lucky, the annointed, the Season Ticket Holders. Just one of the rabble on the outside, hoping and grasping for a shot at a Golden Ticket every year. And in years past I have been successful, but never before for a Monday night game. So I should be pumped. I should be stocking up on brats, beer, and cheese curds. I should be loading the Weber in the back of the van and heading up Nort’ for a whole afternnon and evening of feasting and revelry.

But I just can’t get into the spirit, for obvious reasons. I know that the Good Thing To Do is to get back to living life, to move on and prove that our spirit won’t be broken, that we can still celebrate sport and togetherness and all that.

I just don’t know how I will be able to cheer for something as trivial as a football game on Monday. I know that like everyone else in the stadium, I will be crying when the national anthem is played, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to transition to fan mode after that. In fact, I’m already feeling gulity about even going. I don’t feel right investing my emotional energy in a game that means so little in the big scheme of things. But I’m trying to balance this with the absolute draining of my emotional energy over the past week.

Is anyone else here going to any of the games this weekend? How do you feel about it? Heck, how will you feel even watching them on TV? I’m still too mixed up about it yet.

I hear ya! But think of it as an opportunity to do some communal sharing and grieving with other hurting people. And if you can’t do that, I live just south of Sheboygan, and would be willing to go and do the communal grieving thing in your place.

Qadgop the Packerfan

I will watch on tv. As far as safety, I think Lambeau field in GB is one of the last stadiums a terrorist would strike. However, playing Washington on national tv greatly increases the danger of that.

I like your take on the situation, Qadgop. Oh, and you have less chance of getting my ticket than Elton John has of getting an open mouth kiss from Jerry Falwell.:stuck_out_tongue:

And Cheese Head, I agree with the issue of safety at Lambeau Field. I don’t think it will really be a big concern. I would think that a Middle Eastern terrorist in Green Bay would stick out like a…well…like a Middle Eastern terrorist in Green Bay.

Bottle! Long time no talk my friend!

You are so right. The niners (I am to the niners what you are to the packers) are actually threatening to fffiled a team this year, maybe go over 500, but I simply don’t care at this point.

I’m sure that will change with time, given that things don’t go from bad to worse.

Hey tradesilicon!

It’s been a while all right. I would normally take this opportunity to rag on your Niners a bit for fun (if only because my brother snagged Jeff Garcia for his fantasy team before I could, the dirty bastid), but my heart hasn’t been into football rivalry stuff lately.

I was impresses by the Niners first game. It looked like Garcia had a solid game and the defense held up pretty well, especially considering how young everyone is. Who knows – they could be a factor this year, especially in the NFC West.

Bottle of Smoke, thanks for this thread. I complained about my officemate and his obsession with football in a pit thread, so it is nice to read someone who has perspective. It reminds me that some people understand that football, while important is not all there is.

Oh and congrats on the tickets. I jokingly tell people I root based on the “cute helmet theory”[sup]TM[/sup]. So based on that system, it looks like Washington, but just for you I will root for Green Bay, which will drive my office mate crazy and he will get upset cause he will have money on the game, boy will this be fun. Hee Hee, yes I have a wicked sense of humor.

I am looking forward to, yet am hesitant about going to my first baseball game since the tragedy. But I think that being at the game will be healing for you and having fun is not a bad thing.

Thanks, deb. I just have one question. Why would Washington win using the cute helmet theory? I mean sure, the “G” isn’t the cutest letter in the alphabet, but I think it has its appeal. OK, I’m reaching here…

You would rag on the Niners? Sheeesh. That’s like picking on the smallest kid at the playground after he’s had his lunch stolen - they are to be pitied, not picked on! Let 'em have a good season or two, then dig right in!

So how was the game? Did you have fun?

I know it was a blowout, but gosh you were there, I want details.

Thanks for asking, deb. I just got back to work today and my throat’s still raw from all the screaming. It was a rather enjoyable experience, what with the Pack winning 37-0 and all.

The pre-game stuff was pretty moving. The crowd of police officers and firefighters in attendance, the moment of silence, the national anthem, and 60,000 people waving little American flags. Nary a dry eye in the house.

The weather was perfect for football in Green Bay. When I drove up for the weekend on Saturday, it was almost 80 degrees and summer-like. By Monday night, it was down to 40 degrees with 30mph gusts of wind. Pretty cold for a September night, even in Wisconsin.

The game was pretty one-sided, but fun to watch anyway. Although towards the end I was starting to feel bad for the Redskins. I’m not used to seeing that kind of beating at Lambeau (except when I was growing up, but then the Pack was usually at the other end of the stick).

All told, it was a great time. My sister drove in from the Twin Cities, I got to spend time with my folks over the weekend, and the kids were well-behaved.

And the Packers are now 2-0. Woo-hoo!