I've Got The Money Right Here! Now What?

Yeah, okay, it’s been a while since I checked back with the boards (life 'n stuff, you know), and now I see there’s going to be a yearly subscription fee. I’m cool with this-- I want to pay, really! I’ve got several dollars worth of loose change in laundry money right in front of me, plus a Mexican 100-peso note I found on the bus but haven’t gotten around to exchanging yet. So I’m set to go on this end.

However, I am yet another of those many, many people who don’t have either a credit card or a Paypal account (at least, I assume there are many, many others who have posted this exact same thread, but I don’t seem to be able to search the forums now so I can’t be sure. I’m guessing that you now have to be a paid charter member in order to search, which gets me into Catch-22 territory).

I’d be happy to mail the dough straight to the Tribune offices if that’s possible, although my suspicion is that this isn’t a realistic option… Could someone please help me out, maybe provide a link to the relevant post that either tells me another way to pay, or else informs me that I’m a horrid loser with a nonexistent credit rating and to please bug off? I’d appreciate closure either way. Thank you.

This thread contains numerous offers of Dopers to function as an intermediary for people who don’t have credit cards or PayPal.

I’ve offered too. You can email me at greenfleurdelis@hotmail.com. We’ll work out the details there.