For about a week straight, my breasts ached really really bad. It hurt even just to walk around.
Now the pain’s gone, but something else even weirder is happening. I think my boobs are now growing. My bra isn’t fitting right, so I know I’m not just imagining things.
What the heck is going on? I’m 19. I’ve heard of women getting to be around my age and their breasts suddenly start to grow. Is that what’s happening here? I’m a B cup. I’m not complaining, but it would be great if that’s what happening.
Anyone face a similar situation or know someone that has?
A note to the mods: I wasn’t sure whether to put this here or in General Questions, so feel free to move the thread if need be.
IANAGynecologist or even an MD, so take this with a few grains of salt.
[li]You could be putting on weight. I believe fat cells like to deposit themselves at the breasts.[/li][li]You could be pregnant.[/li][li]You could be going through some sort of age-related residual hormone thing; the last throes of adolescence, so to speak.[/li][li]Your boobs could just be getting bigger. Shit happens.[/li][/ul]
I know one girl (at about your age) who grew a full cup size in something like a month when she went on the pill.
I know some women whose breast change a half to a full cup size every month. :eek:
And 19 isn’t too late to be getting larger. Heck, I was still wearing C cups in college, and I’m up to a DD now - although I do tend to gain weight in the boobs.
Since the pain has gone away, and boobs getting large is fairly common, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. You could call your doctor if you’re worried though. Be sure you do your monthly breast exams.
I knew that pregnancy would be a possiblity, but since I got my period yesterday, thats probably not true. It was the first thing I thought of too. Yes, I know that it is still possible, although rare, for me to be pregnant and still having my period.
That said…
Thanx for all the anecdotes about gaining cup size around the end of puberty. I’m hoping that’s what it is. I’m not scared really, more amused than anything. Not to mention hopeful that they’ll continue growing like this.
If you add a cup size every month, you’ll regret hoping for that about a year or two down the line.
[sub]Of course, all the men around you would be morbidly fascinated by that…[/sub]
I used to get sore breasts before my period…and they would swell. As I age my breasts don’t get sore anymore and shoot my periods are only about 2 1/2 days…that I am not sorry about.
I could understand the whole premenstrual swelling idea if my breasts swelled every month. But this is the first time this has ever happened to me. Hmmm…
I don’t recall that it was there from the beginning of my periods, that’s been a long time (I am 32 now) but I do seem to recall problems with cramps, painful and swelling breasts during my late teens and early to mid 20s. These days I barely know if I started my period until I get on the potty and a slight crampy feeling in the morning.
You can always talk to your doc. It was inconsistant with me. I remember having cramps so bad (about 23 years old) where I was literally incapacitated. I would cry, have dry heavs etc. It was all I could do to wish to live, they were that bad at times. The best I was told was hormone fluctuations.
Our bodies are so different and react very different to our diet, exercise (or lack thereof,) stress and stages in life.
Just give your doc a call and explain the situation and see what she/he says. Chances are they will have you take a pregancy test but it is very rare to be pregnant and have a period.
Hormones are funny things and my bet would be that this was a pre-menstrual thing. Sometimes my boobs hurt to just move in the week before my period and some months there’s no effect there at all. They almost always swell.
IANAD, but at 19 it’s not a huge shock that your body is throwing up new stuff to deal with - as others’ testamonies show, it’s not unusual.
My advice: if it happens again, get a sports bra. The better the support your boobs have, the less they hurt. Trust me on this.
As I mentioned in a recent boob thread, I went from an AA cup at the age of 21 to a B cup at the age of 24. They used to vary in size over the course of my menstrual cycle.