I’ve lived all my life a few miles east of Cleveland, Ohio. I love my little town, I’m loyal to a fault to the Cleveland Indians, and I adore Cleveland in general. However there is one main problem for me- the weather sucks. Summers are nice, but in the winter, don’t go there. We get lake effect snow, which is heavy and wet and piles up. It gets down to ten below. I despise winter. So when the time came to look at colleges, I looked at ones in warm places. I visited four in Florida, because that had the good marine science programs I wanted, and I applied to one. It’s a long story, but I got waitlisted then eventually got in. I was elated. I signed up to go there right away.
So a week ago, my folks and I shipped stuff, packed stuff and stuffed stuff in our car and we drove down to St. Petersburg Florida, where my college, Eckerd college is. Number 9 marine science program in the country. Excellent.
I started college yesterday, where I’m doing a three week freshman orientation program where I take a class, mine is on non-native species. I don’t know what to say about this new life of mine except it’s paradise. The campus is the most beautiful I’ve seen. We are right on the water, where you can see things like needlefish and occasionally manatees. There are palm trees everywhere. It’s a glorious wonderful hot hot heat going on now. The humidity is lovely. I adore hot weather. And the air conditioning is nice for sleeping. What was my first major act of college? To drive to the beach with my RA and my dorm to go swimming in the gulf at midnight. It was heavenly. The diatoms were creating bioluminesence (I think I spelled that wrong) and made our bodies glow. The sand was soft. The moon was up. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.
Meanwhile in my dorm room I have a brand new computer and digital camera and color printer, a fridge and a microwave and a beanbag chair and a lofted bed. It’s just a matter of time before we get a TV since we get free cable. We have a T1 line, of course, which is a godsend. My roomy is from Hawaii and teaches me about it and lets me eat her rice cakes. The food here is great- I’m not used to such a selection, and free pop (soda for you non-Ohioans) on tap all the time. I’m just… in paradise. I don’t know what else to say. This location is the greatest. I had my first class today, and it was absolutely fascinating too.
Well, now I must go to the waterfront where I can take my swim test, then I will be able to go deep sea fishing and water skiing almost anytime.
Sigh. Paradise.
YAY for you!
What’s the #1 marine science college in the country?
Pinellas County has the best beaches in Florida. First chance you get, visit Fort DeSoto park----miles and miles of wide, wide, wide beaches, and a great hiking/biking/skating trail. Canoes can be rented, etc., etc. Great place.
You do know that sharks feed at night, don’t you? Have you ever had a midnight snack? Why do you think a shark wouldn’t like one, too? Swimming in the Gulf at night is hardly ever a really good idea, although I’ve done it often enough.
Anyway, welcome to the St. Pete area and enjoy your stay.
Enjoy it! I moved to Tampa (where I live now) to attend USF and never moved away. Florida really really grows on you!
I know, I was terrified to go swimming, but my friends convinced me. I was a little nervous. I had a fish swim inbetween my legs and I freaked out. Then I found a shell underneath my feet the size of my hand, and I picked it up thinking there was a conch in it like the previous two shells, and Mr. Crabby came out to say hello. Naturally I screamed and swam around in circles trying to get away.
And, my paradise has increased in the past few hours. I went down to the waterfront, passed my laughably easy swim test, then slathered myself in sunscreen and took a kayak out for an hour. Conversed with the fishies and pelicans. Then I came back, washed the salt off and had watermelon and lemonade. Paradise.
And tonight is a foam party on campus, which is all the latest craze. Tomorrow is the trip to Fort Desoto beach. Did I mention I’m in paradise?
Come to Orlando… much better clubs, and much less chance of getting mugged (Ybor is a dangerous place)…
I graduated from Eckerd College in 2001. I live in Lynn Lake Apartments (3 blocks from campus). Camp Eckerd is gorgeous, just be careful in the surrounding area. Truth be told, we live in a ghetto. I also recommend Fort Desoto (on the way to St. Pete Beach). The best spot is North Beach. You have to walk across a shallow lagoon to get to the actual beach, but it’s worth it. There’s a nude beach there, if you go across the lagoon and walk all the way to the right you’ll find it. Watch out for sharks. No joke. We’re a hammerhead breeding ground, and bull sharks are everywhere. Did you take the kayak to the bird sanctuary? At high tide you can kayak into the middle of the island through canals. It’s like something out of the amazon. Eckerd is a great school, with wonderful professors. Watch out for the baseball players, they’re like a gang. Dont let yourself get locked in a room with them alone. FYI. Just from my experience while I was there, might be different now. Use the pool a lot. It’s clean and cool, and right there. I went to school there for a marine science degree and changed my major because I let a grumpy (now retired) professor talk me out of it. Don’t let that happen to you. I regret it. And don’t miss sunset on the sea wall be the Galbraith building. It’s the best in the world. sigh I miss school. That’s all I can think of right now. Welcome to St. Pete.
As I look outside and watch the storms roll in. I just wanted to let you know that this is the lightening capital of the world. People have and do die here. If you hear thunder, don’t go outside. I’ll step off the soap box now. Take care. I guess not, one more thing. When I came to eckerd I had mono and strep throat for the the first three weeks of autumn term. It sucked. While everyone was making friends, I missed out. Make sure you make friends early, don’t stress, and have fun. Even if you don’t find them right away, you’ll absolutely find people you’ll fit in with. Go to the complex parties, try not to get wasted, and don’t hump every guy that smiles at you. Trust me, I know.:smack:
Hey! So what dorm were you in? I’m in Berkely Delta. It’s nice. Our RA rules. So what was your Autumn term class? And, I already got invited to a kegger. Don’t think I’ll be attending, that’s not my thing.
Yeah but … no ocean, no sand. Don’t give me that “it’s an hour drive away” argument, either.
Yeah, Orlando has a great nightlife. Try telling a girl that you meet there that you live in Ocoee.
I must ask:
Are there cheeseburgers?
Is it by the dashboard lights?
It’s just what paradise calls to mind for me.
Agreed Kallessa, until you’re waiting for the end of time…
Great cheeseburgers at El Caps up on fourth street.
I’m glad you slathered yourself with sunscreen–I forgot to mention it. I have skin cancers cut off as routinely as I cut my fingernails and it ain’t much fun.
My first semester I lived in Berkley in Delta. Can’t remember the room number, it was downstairs third door on the right. Then second semester I lived in the guest room off of the lounge. Sophmore year I lived in Coply first semester then moved to Kappa for my second semester. Spent the rest of my days in Kappa. Nicer people there.
My autumn term class was ‘Women in Film’ with Bill Kelly. It was a really awesome class.
As far as keggers go, don’t worry about missing them. They’re no big deal, happens every friday in Kappa (not officially, or they’d get busted). I still have some friends over there, but they don’t get back until september. Maybe we’ll bump into each other some time. That’d be really funny. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to know. I know that school like the back of my hand.