I've Lost My Shower

I didn’t actually lose my shower, I do know where it is, but I can’t use it. See there’s a toilet in in right now. And not one of those clever space-saving arrangements you see in Europe either. The toilet is sitting in my shower waiting for me to put it back in the regular toilet position across the bathroom. (Why in the shower? Because a toilet is very heavy. That’s as far as I got it before I thought “Hey! That’s quite far enough! In the shower with you Mr. Toilet!” I put a tarp down first.)

“But why is it in the shower to start with?” you ask. Because there is a leak in the wall behind it. At least I figured it was a leak. The drywall behind the toilet was suspiciously spongy. (The Little Woman discovered this (of course) one time when she was “cleaning”- whatever that is.) I had to take the toilet out so I could bash (very carefully) a hole in the wall so I could see just what I was dealing with leak-wise.

Oh! And it wasn’t a new problem either! Looking into things I went downstairs to right under where the leak was leaking into my bathroom wall. There’s a drop-ceiling there. So I took out the drop-ceiling. You know what I found? An old Tupperware container set up to catch the drip so it wouldn’t leave water stains on the drop-ceiling! So somebody knew all about there being something going on, they just didn’t want to deal with it. So they stuck a plastic bowl up in the ceiling and quietly sold their house and moved away. The bastards!

…could see just what I was dealing with leak-wise. I was hoping it was just a problem with the PVC sink drain line. Was it just the PVC drain line that I am competent enough to rectify on my own? Ha! No way! (Ha! “Rectify”!) It’s one of the copper pipes that get water (hot water in this case) to the sink. I don’t know how to deal with copper hot water pipes (And I wouldn’t want to learn on a pipe that’s hidden away in a wall. I start “sweating pipes” and I want it to be right out where I could keep an eye on it.), so I called a plumber. Actually I called the House Insurance People and let them call a plumber for me. Actually I called the House Insurance Computer and let it call a plumber for me.

That was Friday, about lunchtime. The plumber should show up today about lunchtime. Actually what he said (once I actually talked to him) was he’d be here today “between noon and five”. Which, once you convert from Plumber’s Time to Real Life Time means he should be here sometime before Hallowe’en. I’m very excited about it.

Just to add more excitement to my day, I’m supposed to go to the dentist to get a (very small, tiny really) cavity filled. At noon. Which means, if I just took the boys and left that’s right when the plumber would show up. Luckily for me Mom was coming over to watch the boys while I engaged in dental shenanigans. So, with any luck, she can deal with the plumber and the whole magilla will be done by the time my Novocaine wears off. (Assuming I get about three quarts of Novocaine, I’m sure this will be the case.)

Not that I just moved the toilet into the shower and bashed (very carefully) a hole in my bathroom wall. No way! I did as much prep work for the Great Bathroom remodel as I could. Some of said prep involved drywall joint compound. I now have a deep and abiding love for drywall joint compound. It’s great! Of course my drywall joint compound application technique would probably give Tom Silva palpitations and the need for a stiff drink, but Tommy wasn’t here to see it, so what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

Unless he’s more like the Home Repair Yoda than I think. I could have been happily mudding away (that’s what us drywall joint compound pros call drywall joint compound- “mud”, so slapping it around on a wall is called “mudding”) and ol’ Tommy could have been hanging out in the This Old House Loft, drinking coffee and making little Kev dance like a monkey or Roger would beat him with a shovel. Then I start my mudding. Tommy drops his coffee and goes all pale.

“What is it Tom?” asks Rich. (He’s the caring one in the Loft.)

“I just felt a disturbance in the Force. It’s as if a million spackle knives cried out in agony and then were brutally silenced!” Then Tom would have to have a lie-down. Even whacking Kevin with a pipewrench wouldn’t be fun anymore.

But hey, with a little sanding (with the Little Woman’s Black & Decker Mouse sander) (That’s what the sander is called- “the Mouse” although I think you could (but I’ve never tried) sand a mouse with it.) and a topcoat, that mud looks danged good. Danged good.

That’s funny… we’ve had showers all morning.

Dontcha just love plumbing?? Had to fix a leaky pipe leading to the water heater once. When I moved the water heater, the bottom collapsed. Now a $3.00 repair had become a $300.00 repair…

Hey, first!! Wow!!

Dammit, Shibb… :smack:

I don’t do stuff like that. Plumbing that is. Not even to find out where a leak might be. I call plumber guy and pay him to come make it all better. All kinds of people are willing to fix stuff that needs fixin’ if you promise em money for it. A rather nice win-win situation all around. Ok, once, when the little flushy/plungy thing in the toilet quit working, I replaced it. That was easy. Oh and once I put a new washer in the kitchen faucet. Also, once I screwed the hoses on the washing machine to the little faucets behind the washing machine so I could get hot or cold water into the washing machine so I could wash clothes and towels and sheets. If they leaked or something bad though, I’d call a plumber. Oh and once I hooked up an ice maker. So, some stuff I’m willing to do. Guess I’m not as much of a slacker as I started out to make myself be. Wow, I feel good to be me right now.

The weekend was quiet. I washed sheets and towels and pants and shirts and socks and underwear and a bathing suit. I put em in the dryer so they could dry too. Not all at once though. One load at a time. I’m organized like that. I was ACBGless (still am til sometime tomorrow) so other than going over to these two friends’ house, eating Chinese takeout with em and watching Pink Flamingos (the movie, we weren’t just standing around watching plastic pink flamingos) I didn’t do much of anything. Unless you count naps as doing something. I took several naps. I like naps. I was in the pool a little while Saturday morning then it got rainy and lightningy so I got out.
-swampbear (I need a nap)

Happy Monday, everyone! Why is it happy? Because I chose not to go to work today. I got home from Maine at a reasonable hour last night–even got a good night’s sleep. I still ain’t going. I’m a slacker. Sue me. Or fire me, whatever. I can get paid more just about anywhere else. I’m feeling quite apathetic toward my job this week.

The backyard wedding was absolutely lovely–it appeared that all the groomsmen had a Steelers theme. I think it more likely that it was just the easiest thing to do. “Do you have a football jersey? Okay, get a pair of black shorts, and you’re set for the wedding.” Even the groom wore a tuxedo with a Steelers jersey. Not the kind of wedding I’m used to, but it was definitely a nice change. The ceremony was blessedly brief, then the bride and groom got into a canoe and took a paddle around the lake. (Actually, I’m pretty sure they got into the canoe, took a paddle behind the bend in the shoreline, and smoked a joint, but more power to 'em.) Then there was much merrymaking. The evening ended with the survivors sitting around a bonfire in the backyard with coolers of beer and a couple guitars. It was half wedding, half camping trip, and I loved it. I drank too much, which I’d fully intended to do, and spent Sunday morning driving 150 miles with three screaming kids (not mine, of course). Headache city, but still worth it.

I discovered somewhere in Connecticut yesterday, however, that the mosquitoes had gotten me. Right on the ass. That’s right. I have two ginormous mosquito bites right on my ass, way down on the left cheek, right where underwear ended and skin began. Stupid short skirt. I think that might be why I actually called in sick today. Not to teach the company a lesson about putting all the work on one person’s shoulders or to catch up on sleep. I called in sick so I would have to spend the day surreptitiously scratching my ass.

So now, I shall sit on my couch and watch television, interrupting it here and there with a little cleaning, and some actual work making candles. I have a craft show at the end of the month that I’m completely unprepared for as yet, and a wedding shower in two weeks that I’m making the favors for. I very much look forward to the day when I can actually make a living pouring candles in my jammies.

I don’t know who that guy is but if he did have those abilities, I’d have killed him long ago, “Why is she hammering so many holes in the wall? Why doesn’t she use a stud finder?! No! You can’t just spackle over a hole that big! Garrrrggghhhh!dies”.

You’ve got to get up pretty early in the morning to beat me in.

Given your time zone, I’d recommend about 5:45 am. That will give you time to eat, shower, maybe watch a little of the morning news (Peter Jennings died last night, ya know), brush your teeth, get dressed, and still post before me. Of course Rue usually puts this out between 8:30 and 9:30, Eastern…

I’ve learned that I’m not good at doing ‘stuff’ like that…repairs and such. I CAN change the water heater elements with no problem, though. I replaced the kitchen faucet ONCE. Never again. I had no idea that there were THAT many spiders lurking under the counter and back into the dark, far reaches of the cabinet. It was rather unnerving, I might add.

With hubby being an OTR truck driver, I’ve learned to do lots of things on my own. I will usually try them once. Depending on how freaked out I get, while still accomplishing the task correctly, I will call someone and pay them to do it for me if it happens again.

Oh, swampbear , the pink flamingos are rather interesting to watch (yes, the plastic ones), especially if you ingest a few beers. You just keep staring at the flamingos, and you’ll SWEAR that they move…kind of like what happens if you stare at stars in the sky at night. :smiley:

I get the feeling that the DIY Deities look down upon me in much the same manner that I watch I Love Lucy. I know that whatever mess she’s gotten herself into will end badly (though hilariously, of course), and I can’t look away. I came up with this theory just after calling a plumber in my first apartment, when the kitchen faucet was spraying nonstop and I finally admitted defeat.

And when the plumber got there, I certainly had some ‘splainin’ to do.

We have a “family” plumber like other people have a family doctor. We’ve had the same plumber since we lived in our former house. He’s a good dude. We exchange Xmas cards. His name is Leroy. Recently our town masters sent out letters to alla the peeps in our subdivision what said we had to install a backwash thingamabob on our city water pipe. Seems everybody gots to have one but us folk what gots a well as well (heh) hasta put it right out on the end of our lawn by the street. This thing is horrendous in several ways. First off, it’s three pipes what stick up about two feet with an industrial looking thingamabob in the middle. Very ugly. Second, it has water shut off levers so anyone walking down the sidewalk can shut off our water. Third off, it’s made of very flimsy pvc and it wouldn’t take much moren, say, a hurricane to bash it so we’d have no water at all. Lastly, it cost about $300 bucks!!! Unfortunately, Leroy couldn’t do it cause there are only certain inspector-type plumbers allowed to install the thingamabobs. :mad: Mr. Anachi is not pleased.

I made sketti and meataballs Saturday. I made way too much. There’s still lots leftover even though I froze sauce and a dozen meatballs. I may have to freeze some more.

Yesterday, Mr. Anachi and I went to yet another take-away (takeaway???) furniture store and bought new livin’ room furniture. It’s really different from what we’ve had before. For one thing, it’s kinda red. For another thing, it’s kinda contemporary. And yet another thing, it’s got a contrasting print accent chair and ottoman. I can’t wait for it to be delivered.

That’s all I got for now.

Tupug (it’s called Cinnabar)


I’d offer my shower to ya, but it seems I am a bit far away for you to take advantage of that offer.

The only plumbing story I got is once my niece flushed a wash cloth down and we had to remove the toilet to get it out. Then our toilet was moved a few feet over and not in the shower.

That’s unfortunate, because you’d be the first person I’d call if I had a pipe that needed attention. ::cue porn music::

Tupug: What’s the point of this PVC contraption? Is the plumber that has to do it someone from the state? If so, I give a big :mad:, because it’s mean to profit off of making someone have to do something.

Once at the author Madeleine L’Engle’s house, some houseguests broke an ashtray. To conceal the damage, they tried to flush the pieces down the toilet. Neither Madeleine nor her husband had any idea what to do, so a friend came over, and they watched in fascination as the toilet was drained and then unscrewed and taken apart to get the ashtray pieces out.

Afterwards they put up a discreet sign in their washrooms- “Please do not flush ashtrays down the toilet”. Apparently it was never a problem again.

Would anyone like to order a nice copy of *Paint It Black: A Guide To Gothic Homemaking *? I think it looks funny. It was in a publisher’s catalogue yesterday.

Shut up you! Just shut up.

Being down a shower isn’t as bad as it could have been. This house has a spare shower. Technically the “spare” one is the one I use since everyon else uses the one off the hall. Right now, for the four people living in the house, there are five different kinds of shampoo and three different kinds of soap all stuffed into the Main Shower.

I only brought my own soap and shampoo over because mine are the plain ones. Plain shampoo with limited smellies in it and plain Ivory soap. I smell very plain, usually.

The boys use baby shampoo and some sorta liquidy soap. On the Smell-O-Meter, it’s pretty low, but not as low as my usual get-clean stuff.

Now the Little Woman, she’s got stuff in that shower. Plus more clean-a-person stuff squirrelled away in the medicine cabinet. Plus more stuff under the sink. Plus even more stuff in the hall linen closet. This woman has options when it comes to getting not-dirty. And she can mix or match the smells the give off as suits her mood.

I’m thinking of putting the doggy shampoo in the shower just so’s everyone is represented.

Supposedly, it’s to keep contaminated water from getting back into the “city” water system which is understandable. What is a pain is that cause we have our own well which we use for our sprinkler system, the contraption must be right up next to the main city pipe so that we don’t accidently-on-purpose hook up our well water to the city water. :rolleyes:

As far as the special plumbers, this is a city ordinance but, yeah, I do think there’s something fishy going on. :dubious:

Rue! You should take any visitors in there, and tell them, “It’s just a concept I’m working on for when I’m in a hurry in the morning.”

When my sister and BIL were building their house, the toilet for the master bathroom sat in the shower for a while. My sister and I agreed that would be a great idea but my BIL (he’s not real progressive when it comes to bathroom efficiency) said he didn’t think so. The spoilsport.

Rue I neglected to say that I am glad that while you lost your shower, you didn’t have to go all undirty. A not undirty Rue at the dentist’s office would not have been a good thing. They don’t call em hygienists for nuttin.

donkey I wouldn’t let plumber guy play with my personal pipe. I’m very good with handling that type of plumbing but I don’t handle them indiscriminately nor do I let my own get handled indiscriminately. Permission must first be gained. I’m somewhat of a prude in that respect.

Since we are discussing plumbing in our homes, I’ll add that I’m on the county water line but I have a septic tank cause the county does not have sewer lines out my way as of yet. Actually my utility bill from the county is for water, garbage and a streetlight (street lights?) which just happens to be in my front yard. Everybody has to pay $3.00 a month for the streetlights (street lights?) on our road. Thus, when I notice the streetlight (street light?) in my front yard is out, I call the county department of public utilities and complain. That’s what I get out of that thirty-six bucks a year, the right to bitch and complain when the streetlight (steet light?) burns out. When the other streetlights (street lights?) that are in front of other neighbor’s houses burn out, I assume they excercise their right to bitch and complain. Actually, I know for certain of at least one neighbor who does cause we tell each other when we call. It’s a rural area, we get our fun from wherever we find it.

I hate plumbing almost as much as I hate having to pay a plumber. I can do it, and have, but I don’t like it. On the other hand, when I do have a call a plumber, the guy I call, Jim, does not charge me an arm and a leg. Just a leg.

Saturday, my neighbor gave me a sack full of tomatoes. So I’ve been making tomato sandwiches, living off of those all weekend. Yum :smiley:

Well, the dog wants me to take her for a walk. What ever her highness wants. (Yes, she’s got me well trained).

What is this “cleaning” you all speak of? :confused: