I know that smilies have their place, but I try to craft my posts in such a way that they are not necessary. I also know that I’m not the only one who feels this way. ChiefScott, for one, is a famous opponent of the offensive icons. Even he, however, has been guilty of using them at least once:
I used to be completely against smilies. But I saw this one – :eek: – and it was so damn cute that I just had to give in. I do try to be judicious in my use of smilies.
Oh man , I swore I wouldn’t use one, but I did, for the first time today. I felt it fit, though. I used the wink to indicate a double entendre, which I felt wouldn’t be understood by very many people without it. Then again, I probably underestimate my fellow dopers when I say that. Oh well…