Ivylass is a humorless idiot

Um…lissener? Remember that post you made a month or so ago? The one where you asked why people thought you were an asshole? Remember how a number of us said that you needed to occasionally take a step back and take a deep breath? Remember?

Do it now.
Feel better?

It was a joke thread, for Og’s sake. Not worth getting riled up about.

Ivylass, see above.

Look, Miller, I’m not railing against those immutable laws; I’m just acknowledging them.

Major misread going on here.

I was, in effect, chiding MYSELF for forgetting for a moment that such is the inevitable journey of a Pit thread.

Remember how, in that thread, I pointed out that once someone posts such a question, he provides eternal fodder for assholes who think all they have to do to score a point is remind them of that thread? Oh, no, cuz I refrained from making that point, because to do so would have been so insultingly obvious.

IMHO, using such a thread against its OP in the future is dirty pool, on a level with Godwin.

No opinion concerning the topic, but I for one was impressed with the word “forfuckingbid.”

Jeez,** lis**. I’m on your side in this one, really. :rolleyes:

Okay, I’m confused now. A few months ago, you were worried that a lot of people were misreading you, and thinking you were an asshole. Are you no longer concerned if people think you’re an asshole? A couple of times, I’ve considered saying something to you similar to what silenus just posted, and I assure you it wasn’t because I wanted to “score points” off of you. It’s because I assumed that not being perceived as an asshole was an on-going concern, and you’d still be open to well-intentioned advice when your posts started to come off the rails again. I can’t read silenus’s mind (cursed tinfoil!), but I didn’t get see any indication that he was trying to anything more than that. I certainly don’t think anything he posted there warrants you calling him an “asshole.”

Choose sides wisely.

You were practically cackling over the mayhem caused by a natural disaster in one of the four most populous states in the Union. Did you expect everyone to laugh along with you? Especially the Floridians?

While I wasn’t offeneded by your post (I didn’t find it funny either, though), it doesn’t take a genius to realize that you were running the chance of pissing off quite a number of people and I am honestly surprised that **ivylass **was the only one to call you on it.

Yes, she overreacted in calling you a name in MPSIMS but you’re overreacting by opening an entirely new thread about. Jesus christ, dude. Just chill the fuck out.

**Silenus **was spot on in bringing up that thread from a month or two ago. This is a prime example of the behaviour you were wondering about.

That thread a while back was not entitled “please tell me how to behave and I will promise solemnly to do whatever you say, cross my heart and call me an asshole.”

It was an honest–and productive–attempt to understand how others read me.

I took that information, that feedback, and considered it carefully. I had to decide from that what to change, and what to simply understand a little better without necessarily changing it.

I never promised to become another person. Some of the things I do will lead some people to think I’m an asshole. Some of those things I now understand a little better. Some of those things I will do differently. Some of them I can’t. Some of the things I do are true assholery; some of them are miscommunications which I may or may not be able to change; some of them are aspects of my personality that I may or may not choose to or be able to change. That exchange of information was to help me understand all those things a little better.

That thread does not in anyway give the rest of you the power to say “behave like I say you should or you’re an asshole.” That’s just not the way it works.

A good rule of thumb: if people died from it, don’t joke about it in public. Certainly not within a few days of the event.

Jeff, your “rule of thumb” is the best reply I have seen so far in this thread.

Just to prove that all those immutable laws of the SDMB are true, I’m here to chime in on lissener’s side. I had to double check the name on the OP - I was that shocked to see a thread I enjoyed started by lissener. Of course, that could be (a) my rather dark sense of humor,* or (b) the fact that I was in high school in '92 (I think it was '92) and got tagged with the nickname ‘Hurricane’ due to Andrew’s well-publicized destruction.

A better rule of thumb might be: if you see a joke thread and are offended by one of the posts, stop reading. I don’t believe that there is a rule here that everyone must read everything. You certainly shouldn’t expect everyone else to conform to your style of humor.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Correct, only the Mods have to read everything. I’m sure you noticed that one closed the referenced thread. That’s likely to have happened with our without ivylass.

I just Ctrl-Fed “asshole” and there is only one post in this thread that uses it that was not by you or a direct quotation of you so I’m a little confused as to how you’ve gotten the idea in your head that we’re all calling you one. Incidentally, the only namecalling I can recall in this thread is from you and it is all directed towards ivylass.

I’m not a professional and I’ve only had one psych class, in my junior year of high school, but it seems to me that you’re insecure, hence this thread, and have a bit of a persecution complex, hence the numerous replies saying that you’re being called an asshole when anyone can read up and see that you’re not. And what is any of it accomplishing? Nothing so far as I can see. You’re taking offense at insults that were never said and basically just whining for the hell of it.

To reiterate my previous post: Just chill out.

First, I don’t think anyone needed a thread to give them the power to say that. And second, listen to Aesiron and chill out. silenus was trying to help you. So am I. So are most of the other posters in this thread. They’re doing it because, to some degree, they actually give a shit about you as a person. Stop lashing out at us and just lissen. You are freaking out about nothing. Someone didn’t like a joke you made, and a silly thread you started got closed. It’s no big deal. And that’s all anyone has said in this thread. Nobody is attacking you. Nobody is calling you names. Nobody is against you. Calm down. Get a mod to close this and take a break from the keyboard. Get some sleep. This can only go downhill if it continues.

Sure man. 'Cuz your behavior perfectly reflects that of someone with a wry smile on his face.

But hey, who am I to question? Now instead of playing the world’s saddest song on this here world’s smallest violin, I can play a good ol’ fashioned hodown! So swing your whining partner and swing 'im 'round and 'round, and don’t forget to blame all your troubles on everyone else in the process! Yee-haw!

Okay, SPOOFE may be against you. But the rest of us are solid.

Against him? I’m inviting the bloke to a good hayseed romp! Hell, he can play the jug if he wants.

Search is not my friend tonight, but did we all forget “Potential Onion WTC headlines,” started within a week of 9/11/2001?

lissener pointed out a coincidence that he found amusing. Maybe like a retail worker telling a friend, “Hey, ran some guy’s credit card today- his name was “Jeff Dahmer!” Weird, huh?” Did it absolutely need a thread? No, but neither have any of the dozens of consecutive thread title threads we’ve had. I don’t know lissener’s posting history, but I’ve seen no assholery in this thread nor that. At least no unprovoked assholery.

My dad’s name is Andrew.