Some of you can be really fucking irritating (thread shitters)

This thread isn’t about people who are unnecessarily snarky, just in case anyone has that idea in their head. Even when it’s out of place for the forum, snarky comments can be funny. It’s more about the dolts who pop into a thread they don’t understand and make some dumbass comments about the subject they know nothing about.

This is latest one to draw my ire. The thread title was originally vague, and anyone who didn’t watch that show probably wouldn’t understand it. That’s an unfortunate mistake on the OP’s part. But in the first reply, you have someone who explains what it is… and then FIVE subsequent replies that are basically thread shitting posts. If you don’t know what it is, why don’t you google it or just click the fucking back button and leave the thread??? And did ANY of you thread shitters even bother to report the post after complaining? I don’t think so, because it looks like twickster only took action after I reported it. So next time you see something you don’t understand, fucking figure it out or get out of the fucking thread. It won’t kill you not to click that submit button.

Also, as an add on… whenever anyone makes any mention of Facebook on here, there is inevitably someone who goes into the thread and says “This is why I don’t have Facebook.” Well good for you. Now shut the fuck up. The only time that would be a good contribution is if someone asks “Should I join Facebook?” Otherwise, no one fucking cares that you’re so old it’s hip not to follow technology. I don’t have cable TV and don’t watch commercials, but do you see me going into commercial discussion threads just to say “Commercials are meant to brainwash the masses! THAT’S WHY I DON’T WATCH THEM!” No. Know why? Because that’s thread shitting and that’s what annoying people do. So if you don’t have Facebook, get the fuck out of Facebook threads. Or at the very least, contribute something productive to the discussion about social interactions.

Wow, you have no sense of humor. The comments about L’il Sebastian were funny.

Who’s L’il Sebastian?

You have no sense of propriety. Replies like that would be acceptable in “band name” threads, not as replies that feign confusion despite the answer being in the first reply.

I don’t think threadshitting means what you think it means. Looking at the five posts you mentioned, I do not see any attempt to threadshit. I see people commenting on the poorly worded title.

True threadshitting happens when someone posts a thread like “Recent Episode of (insert TV show here)”, and the threadshitter posts something like “That show sucks, and everyone that watches it sucks more”.

This Pitting sucks, and everyone who reads it sucks more.

Did you read the whole thread? Even if you don’t agree with paragraph two, paragraph three fits your definition of “thread shitting” really fucking perfectly.

As far as I can tell, the original title of that topic read “Li’l Sebastian has died. Will anything ever be the same?”. It didn’t specify that it was talking about a Parks and Recreation episode.
So I can’t really find blame in people wondering who “Li’l Sebastian” is.

It would help MORE if people would just use informative topic titles.

I’m having flashbacks to Dr Strangelove:

President Muffley: “Gentlemen! You can’t fight in here, this is the war room!”

Instead, it’s…

Grapefruit: “Threadshitters! You can’t make jokes in this thread, it is about a sitcom!”

Well yes, that’s why I said it’s unfortunate that the OP’s original title was unclear. What is even more unfortunate is that instead of reporting the thread and asking a moderator to fix it, there are a whole bunch of people who got in the way of actual discussion of the show. As I said, people who were confused should have seen the first reply that it was about Parks and Recreation. It’s not like they were simultaneous posts. There was a whole 23 minutes between the first reply and the first dolt who posted for the sake of posting.

L’il Sebastian must be rolling over in his grave.

Not really.

Some dead rapper.

This is why I don’t read Cafe Society.

It’s “Li’l”, not “L’il”.


Oh okay. While we’re at it, here’s another peeve of mine (albeit, not high on the list of really fucking irritating things): people who get pedantic about word definitions. Usually it degenerates into “You can’t be annoyed because your use of thread shit is WRONG!” And that just sidetracks the actual point and ends up being a discussion of what the meaning of “is” is.

And just to head off the people who are then going to reply to this post with “No one said you can’t be annoyed!” No, no one said that, but what I’m getting at is that the various (personal) definitions of thread shit is isn’t important. This thread is about how fucking irritating it is when people do what I said they did in my OP.

I think Grapefruit is a bit sour.

Nay, I’m no Lemon. Just a little bitter that for a board that has a variety of interesting posts otherwise, stuff like this puts a damper on good discussions.

Personally, I’m much much more irritated by thread titles like that that assume knowledge of what you’re talking about. At least have the courtesy to indicate that you’re talking about some TV show so that people are aware that it may not be of general interest. I also find it annoying when people resort to abbreviations that you have to figure out. (I find it annoying as a poster; I find it even more so as a moderator when I’ve got to go in and fix it.)

I don’t have a serious with people who ridicule or express puzzlement over vague thread titles. It’s better if someone reports them; but the real problem is the on the part of the OP, not those who remark on the title.

I hear what you’re saying about splitting hairs, but there are legit differences, too. I think the examples from the 3rd paragraph of your post -this is why I don’t use Facebook- are threadhsitting. But the linked to was what I’d call an organic hijack. Threadshits suck, but organic hijacks can be great - like the Lanmower.

I made this post today - I was being honest, and I don’t think it’s a threadshit. I consider it more like a normal conversation where, sometimes, things take a turn in an unexpected direction.