Search having been disabled, I dunno if there was a previous thread on this, but there sure ought to have been.
I finished reading Michael Palin’s diary, which was an experience in itself, and Jabberwocky is referenced quite a bit in it. And thanks to the miracle of Netflix, I have now been able to watch something that up till now was just a note in Gilliam’s IMDB page.
And I’m basically just blown away. Seriously, I couldn’t get my credit card number into Amazon fast enough to get my Very Own Copy. The level of detail, the subtle wit, the photography, just the overall feel of the thing. I’m floored.
And frankly I’m amazed that Hollywood wasn’t collectively standing in line back in 1977, thrusting money into Gilliam’s hands as fast as they could, weeping, and begging him to make more movies. However, nobody ever accused Hollywood of being too creative. :rolleyes:
So a belated “bad cess” to the Hollywood powers-that-be (is there an opposite to “visionaries”? :rolleyes: ) who ignored T. Gilliam in favor of eagerly thrusting money into the hands of Sam Peckinpah so he could make Convoy.
And I’m getting Baron Munchausen on DVD, too, as my video copy is worn out. Take that, all you Hollywood moguls, with your “commemorative” and “special features” repackagings of movies on DVD in a vain attempt to garner my DVD spending dollars. Nuh-uh.