Jan 6 Hearings Follow-Along & Commentary Thread (Starts Jun 9, 2022)

Perhaps, just perhaps, this will be akin to the Nixon tapes.

One can hope, anyway.

Worse than, ‘Hey, moe!’

Here he is. His death was an exaggeration.

I don’t know if CNN or AT&T is to blame, but my on-screen guide had four hours blocked out for the hearings, but beginning at 11am CT. My wife set the DVR to record that plus the following one-hour program, but it still cut off before the hearing was over. I missed the whole discussion about the pardons. :rage:

I don’t know if your viewing options include MSNBC, but if they do, they’re rebroadcasting the entire proceeding starting at 5:00 p.m. PDT.

Thanks, I’ll check that out. Hopefully it’s the actual hearing and not just Rachel Maddow talking over clips of it.

That’s a point. It looks like the actual proceedings, but the descriptor doesn’t make it clear. I hope it’s the full proceedings, too.

ETA: You might also keep an eye on C-SPAN. They often rebroadcast important proceedings.

My big take-away from today is that Jeff Clark needs to be run out of town on a rail. A true believer in every stupid election CT out there, incompetent, insubordinate, and knowingly trying to undercut his bosses, despite being told explicitly that what he was doing was both a really bad idea, and illegal.

c-span dot org has all of the hearings available, live, unlive, snippets, highlights, or the whole thing. Anytime.

Yes, I do wish I could avail myself of online streaming like that. The only drawback I suffer for living in The Sticks is crap satellite internet access. It’s akin to sucking cement through a straw in terms of bandwidth.

Good information for the thread, though, for sure!

If I link to today’s hearing through the magic of the Dope, does that slip past sucky internet reception? Because, I do have this link here…

Very kind of you to share and I hope others will be able to make good use of that link!

It won’t help with my super limited bandwidth, however. The issue isn’t so much speed as it is being on a metered network. I’m too embarrassed to tell you how limited mine is.

I am too. Couldn’t stream anything, or get any local TV.

The answer to that is Starlink. Make sure you can get it where you live. Works great. Hope it sticks around.

Now back the the regularly scheduled thread. I knew Trump was a stupid asshole long before the election. Discovered he is also guilty of many, many crimes along the way. Sure, he is a liar, and hypocrite. A crook and a cheat. His word is worth nothing.

It’s becoming clear that he is an absolute lunatic too. I guess I knew that, but these hearings are making it quite clear.

Well, nuts. It’s the commentary show, not a rebroadcast. Sorry to have misled you.

Do you get CSpan itself? They are rebroadcasting today’s hearing multiple times tonight. Split in 2 episodes, so be sure to properly program that DVR!

One of them is my Congressman. He’s consistently downplayed his involvement in the conspiracy, and today his lies were totally blown out of the water. He was up to his eyeballs in it. He denies asking for a pardon. I just hope they actually have it in writing that he asked, rather than the say-so of a Trump staffer.

Unfortunately, unless he is indicted and convicted, he will be re-elected in November. His opponent is extremely weak, and people in this county will vote for anyone with an R by their name. Anyone. No matter how unqualified or lacking in moral character they may be.

And in my state, we have a lot more to worry about than him. We’re electing a Governor, and the Republican candidate is a completely off-the-rails Psycho-Christian.

“Go back to your office and we’ll call you if there’s an oil spill” is some pretty good criminal lawyer shade.

The White House log has “ acting attorney general Clark” listed. Then when confronted with a “graveyard”of a doj, trump changed his mind.

The pardon requests were very odd. Gaetz wanted a huge blanket pardon, very broad in scope. Gee, wonder what is happening in his life that would need a huge blanket pardon. (Sarcasm)

Those would be house staffers or council. That particular person must be close to if not in charge of the investigation staff side.

The list just keeps growing…

The Jan. 6 committee displayed a bombshell email on Thursday revealing that Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) emailed the White House five days after the attack on the Capitol asking for a pardon for himself and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), as well as “every Congressman and Senator who voted to reject the electoral college vote submissions of Arizona and Pennsylvania.”
The blanket pardon would have preemptively exonerated the 147 Republicans who voted against the certification of President Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory…