Janet Jackson on Letterman.
My initial thought: is she high?
Janet Jackson on Letterman.
My initial thought: is she high?
That was painful to watch. At least Dave switched topics in the second segment.
The word “vacant” comes to mind.
I’m glad Dave didn’t let her off easy. Even so, she just sat there and never really said much of anything. I loved Dave’s closing to the ‘interview’: “Thanks for listening to me talk.” (or something like that)
I couldnt’ tell if she was purposely making the interview difficult for Letterman or if she’s really that empty between the ears. As far as I can remember, I don’t recall ever seeing her in an interview before.
Yeah, Letterman did a good job closing the interview with his “Thanks for listening to me talk” crack.
If she was hoping the interview would improve her image, I’m afraid she failed miserably.
Wow! Dave’s had some great guests as of late. Courtney Love. Janet Jackson. Who’s next?
Letterman delivered a virtuoso piece of interviewing with Janet. Just brilliant. He kept pounding away on the breast issue, but managed to avoid going so far as to make her angry enough to stalk off the stage or something. He really kept her off-balance with the Lt. Columbo routine.
I loved how he took a different stance than the obvious, “Oooh, we saw your boobie”. He pressed her on the fact that it sends a bad message to young people to see a man rip off a part of a woman’s clothing. She either didn’t understand what he was getting at or was trying to ignore his point. I imagine it was the latter, because really, what do you say in defense of that?
Any time I hear her speak, she sounds like she’s not all there. This time was no different. I don’t know what her deal is. I think she’s leaning toward Latoya on the “Jackson Family Crazy Spectrum”.
Huh. Guess I’ll have to find a transcript or something.
It’s been a decade since I’ve seen a JJ interview in which she wasn’t somehow ‘disconnected.’
Nature or nurture? Discuss.