Jason Alexander weds Britney Spears in Vegas!!

Jason Allen Alexander, 22, of Kentwood, La., that is.

Not Jason Alexander of “Seinfeld” fame.


Not that’s there anything wrong with that.

Screwed that up.

All the news reports say “according to news reports”. Forgive me if I am initially skeptical.

And the local Las Vegas NBC news announced tonight on the 11 P.M. broadcast that there are already reports the marriage will be annuled tomorrow.

Apparently quite a few beverages were consumed by the happy couple before the wedding…

Lets hope a stolen porn video leaks before this whole thing blows over

<crosses fingers>

CNN says that the Associated Press has obtained a photo of the signed marriage license.


Isn’t Jason Alexander the guy who plays George Kastanza on Seinfeld!! :eek:

(yeah, I know it’s not, but that’s some mental image)

Well don’t I look silly, I failed to read a two-sentence OP.

More likely it was: “Look, you wanna have sex right now? Do want to have sex with me right now? Let’s go! C’mon, let’s go baby! C’mon!”

He probably told her that he was really Art Vandelay, architect. Women go for that sort of thing, you know.

Don’t worry, I was thinking of plucking out my hair and getting that radical height reducing surgery. Then I read the second sentence.
People are making OPs so hard to read these days!

Yeah, and you misspelled “Costanza”. :stuck_out_tongue:

I give them a month.

Well, now that she is married, I guess we can finally put those goofy rumors that Britney is still a virgin to rest. :slight_smile:

Justin was right. She was cheating on him!

AOL News says Britney plans to annul. It was a joke that went too far.
Who do they think they are? Ross and Rachel?

That AOL site requires so sort of Top Secret clearance to get in Biggirl.

Heh. I heard that “joke that went too far” line and immediately retranslated it… “We were SOOOOOOOO drunk!”

/Mister Rogers ON

Hey boys and girls, can you say “desperate publicity attempt?”

I knew you could.