Ladies and gentlemen of the SDMB, I present the vacuum bra.
Hmm. Now, I was picturing a bra that would clean the carpet.
But how do I piss wash it?
Christ, why do they block out the nipples in that pic halfway down the page? This is SCIENCE, ferpetessake. Do these bastards assume I don’t know what’s generally located centrally on the fronts of breasts??
I’m just wondering where the vacuum jockeys are.
[sub]Did I say that out loud?[/sub]
Seriously tho’, I’ve seen a lot of breast enhancing devices and medications lately. Isis seems to be one of the more popular ones nowadays.
Oh well, I still subscribe to the belief that more than a handfull is way “way” too much.
Did ya HAVE to bring that phrase up again?? I’m shuddering just thinking about it.
Tug Ahoy!!!