My last live audition was June 2007, so more than 18 months ago (just barely). I registered to take the online test again tonight. The don’t list Philly this year, so I checked DC as my preferred audition city.
I signed up. We’ll see how it goes. I took the test years ago, well before you could do it online, but didn’t get picked. I’d cross my fingers but that would make it hard to type.
I had an in-person tryout last year, after taking the online test in January. By what they told those of us in the room, I still have until September before my time in the contestant pool ends, but I’m about ready to write it off anyway, especially as they’ll have a whole new pool from which to choose after the tests. If they haven’t called me by now, I must be toast.
Therefore, I’d like to state in advance, if any of you take this year’s test and get invited onto the show, I hate you. Damn you, damn you, damn you.
On the other hand, if you take the test and totally bomb, please report that fact here, so I can enjoy the Schadenfreude I so richly deserve.
What’s the protocol for taking this online test? Do I need to be invited to take it? Do I need to live in a specific geographical region? When is the test? Is it too late to sgn up for it?
I did - tried out in September, and now you’re on the list for 18 months instead of a year, so I’m just waiting for my call. Not holding my breath, but waiting. The audition is tons of fun, anyway.
ETA - in the in person test, either I beat the crap out of it or it was incredibly easy. I’m really not sure which one. At any rate, I don’t think I did very well at ALL on the online test and still I got an in person tryout.
I did the in-person tryout last July. I thought the written test was much easier than the online version, and I agree with Zsofia that the in-person test is loads of fun. You meet interesting people who can carry their end of a conversation.
AFAIC, there is no good way to prepare, except that you need to be able to answer questions very quickly. I got a lot of literature questions, but I don’t think that’s representative of all of the questions possible.
That’s it. I’m signing up. I’m tired of sitting on my couch, watching Jeopardy, and yelling correct responses and being outraged at their measly wagers. I want my chance to fail in public!
That sounds hard. I think I’ll just hope for topics that I already know a lot about: entertainment gossip, marathon training, IT project management and the movie “Overboard”. I think I have a chance!
If you can get hold of a copy of “Prisoner of Trebekistan” by Bob Harris, he has a lot of details about how he trained. It really reached the level of obsession.
Something to think about (although it doesn’t apply to the online test, if you do get picked to audition it’s a good idea) is to rig up some sort of dummy of the buzzer…a clickable pen built up with tape or something…and practice with it while watching the show on TV. It’s surprisingly difficult to go into the auditions “cold” and have good buzzer action. If you press it before Alex finishes reading the question, you get locked out long enough to kill you. If you don’t press it IMMEDIATELY when Alex finishes the question and the “buzzer lights” go on, you risk letting your opponents have the question. It’s very fine timing.
Jeopardy! is my favorite show. People have been telling me to try out for Jeopardy! all my life. I am gonna finally do it. I signed up for the online test.