Jersey Area Dopers: Dopefest on Saturday the 16th of September

It’s been four months, and I still haven’t gotten a cupcake. I do believe I’ll be baking up a batch and bringing them.

**So far we have: **
Hamburgers, Hotdogs and sausages to grill.
Rolls for said. Some desert.
Plenty of Soda and Diet Soda
Homemade Ice Tea
Bass Ale
A few bottles of Wine.
Juice/juice boxes for the kids.

twickster’s World Famous Carrot Cake
Draelin’s World famous Plastic Plates and Utensils
MannyL’s World famous chips and salsa
brachyrhynchos: I’m thinking 3-bean salad. And maybe I’ll bring a little bit of my world infamous herring and beets potato salad (for those with brave tastebuds).
Hal Briston’s Elusive, four months in the waiting Cupcakes.


Any specific food requests? I’m thinking about bringing a nice feta and spinach pasta salad.

Sounds yummy!

I just got the on call schedule for September. Looks like I’m married to my computer that weekend :frowning:

Sorry to back out, especially so soon after saying I’d come.

I’m thinking maybe cold pasta with homemade pesto, assuming my basil plants don’t suddenly drop dead or anything.

I am afraid that I will be working that weekend, and unable to attend. :frowning:

Hi. I suppose my location is a bit vague but I am in fact in NJ at the moment. And I just told Eve that I’d like to meet her (in a thread about me passing out in Penn Station but that’s not a usual party trick of mine). So if you still have room…

I make excellent cole slaw.

There is always room and Cole Slaw sounds great.

Pixisis & Meros, I am sorry you cannot make this one.

What twickster said, Sounds yummy!

Sounds good to me.

Sorry for the delays, I am down in Disney World, this is our last night here and I just got done packing. We are going to work our way home tomorrow around Ernesto. See everyone in a few weeks, have a Happy Labor day.


Sorry for the late response - my busy season at work (60+ hour weeks on average) kicked in around late July, so I’ve been away from the boards. (Plus World of Warcraft can take some blame.) I can come, assuming that my big production print job running that weekend doesn’t decide to fail horribly.

I’ll make some sort of salad-y side, exact composition thereof to be determined at a later date. I did get your email (last week?), so no need to resend the directions.

Looking forward to saying hello to everyone in person again!

I am sorry to say that I will be unable to join everyone at this NJ Dopefest since I am back at school in Pittsburgh. Hope everyone has a good time and maybe I can make it out for the next one.

Are we still on? When and where and all that? NotMyRealUserName, if the offer for a ride still holds, let me know and we can arrange a meeting place.

Yes we are, Email me and I will send the directions and my home phone.
My email is public. If anyone else needs directions please Email me and I will send them out.


I need help figuring out how to get to the fest via public transit. I have the e-mail with directions, but I don’t recall PATCO etc being mentioned.

I am really weak on NJ Transit, strangely I know much more about NYC’s.
Here is the NJ Transit site:
Their state map:
I think from Philly there is a way to the Trenton line, you would have to take the Trenton line to {it looks like} Rahway and take the Shoreline South to Middletown. We will provide shuttle service from Middletown Rail station. :slight_smile:

The other Option is maybe hooking up with another Philly area Doper coming in.


So, who’s still on for this? (Weather’s supposed to be lovely). What time are we talking? I’ll go e-mail NotMyRealUserName.

I’m still planning to come – but it’s next weekend, not the day after tomorrow, right?

Oh, crap, you’re right . . . Here I’d have shown up and the house would be a mess and everyone would be in their pajamas!

(Hope the weather on the 16th is as nice as it will be this weekend!)

Is 1pm a good starting time for everyone, or should it be a little later?

Depending on how promptly you want us to show up … I may be bringing my friend M., in which case we’ll be lucky to leave by noon. (He’s not a morning person.)

And eve, if you were wearing the charmeuse negligee with the maribou mules, I’m sure no one would mind if you were en deshabille.