A while back I had a thought, (a dirty habit to be sure but it happens now and again) anyhow, I was considering the hype given to crucifixion due to its’ most famous recipient and I think to myself about how things might have been on a paralell world where another form of execution might have been in vouge for the Roman empire. Say for example, that he had been beheaded, instead of the sign of the cross would we do the sign of the chop and wear little axes around our necks on silver chains? Perhaps if he were hung stigmata would be a rash on the neck as if from a rope burn and being a “redneck” would be considered holy. How about being burned at the stake? Fed to lions? Impaled?
Man, and here I thought this was gonna be about White Castle somehow. Maybe it’s just cause I’m hungry.
Well, if He had got the electric chair the symbol could be a little lightening bolt.
I am so going to Hell for finding this thread entertaining. Don’t tell the kids in my Sunday School class.
I don’t even want to think about where the stigmata would be.
What would be the symbol be if it had been “death by chocolate ?”
Frowning woman with the initials PMT across the top ?
[sub]I’m soooo going to hell for that![/sub]
The OP reminds me of what used to say to people who wondered why my cross didn’t have suffering jesus on it. " I won’t wear one with dead jesus on it unless you promise to buy me a charm with the head of john the baptist on a platter too." No one got me one, so I never switched crosses
I live to entertain. =)
I’ve got a Buddy Christ on the dashboard of my truck.
If he had been stoned to death, then we could wear little sacks of balls around our necks. I suppose they could be CHOCOLATE balls.
If Jesus were beheaded, I think the symbol would be a head on a stick, since it was common to put the head on a pike and then display it somewhere.
Which would have interesting implications for the ressurection… woud the body rise up and go get the head? Would the head float through the air to the crypt? Would there be two Jesuses?
Would chopping Jesus up into little bits result in many little Jesuses coming back to life?
The broomstick scene from Fantasia flashing in anyone else’s mind right now? Or am I just weird?
Hey, some people already get that particular stigmata!
Okay, I’m now going to dry heave into the toilet…
I was thinking of Itchy and Scratchy when I wrote it, but it was a parody of Disney.
KRS-One had a song about this.
Complete lyrics can be found here.