Yes Jesus was the greatist man to ever live but he isn’t or was God!Now before people get uptight one verse in the bible will clear this up.King James 1611 edition John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her.Touch me not;but go to my brethren,and say unto them,I ascend unto my father and your Father and to my God and Y-O-U-R God.Now Jesus tells us his God is O-U-R God.This is were people have been fooled Jesus tells us to only worship God.Matthew 4:10 Also Jesus tells us to worship in “spirit and truth " for God is a spirit” John 4:23,24.Jesus again tells us that a spirit has no bones or flesh Luke 24:39!Another thing the Holy Spirit is not a man ! again Luke 24:39.Now if Jesus tells us God is a spirit and remember Jesus was alive when he made this statement.Then who is God? Jehovah is God! Exodus 6:3 ,Psalms 83:18.Now once you see the truth for what it is the bible will come “alive” like you never seen it before .Also all verses come from the King James 1611 edition and the “truth” will set you free John 8:32 -Good Day…
Oh yeah, that changes everything.
Well, i guess this is the forum for witnessing.
I’m not exactly sure what the debate might be, though, nor exactly what is the “truth” that will bring the Bible “alive” for us.
Perhaps the OP could provide a little more detail about the point he’s trying to make.
My Good Book has crawled off the bookshelf, and is scuttling towards the door.
What Should I Do Now ? :eek:
Why bother responding to Brewster? He (?) has begun two other threads without any followup. If he doesn’t think his views are worth discussing, why should anyone else care?
I’d like to know why he’s the greatist man to live if he’s not god?
What did he do other then start a religion that has done as much damage as good (debatable) and perform parlor tricks until he was nailed to a cross.
I’d nominate nearly anyone that championed a medical advance before Jesus if you believe Jesus is not god.
Is there such a thing as a banning for drive-by OPs refusing to follow through with a debate?
The Bible comes alive
Wasn’t that an album by Frampton?
Do you intend on debating this with us, or are you merely a truth-dispenser?
Attention Brewster2: You are a nitwit of the first order. If god existed he would hate you and everything you stand for. You are possessed by satan and need to purge him with a large dose of drain cleaner.
Nitwit or not, this IS GD…
Moderator’s Note: Chefguy, what part of “Don’t flame people outside the BBQ Pit” are you not clear on?
Don’t do that again.
And on the basis of this one bit of logic, Christians are supposed to say, “oh, yeah, the concept that we’ve based our entire belief structure on is completely full of manure”? And somehow this escaped the notice of my namesake, Irenaeus, Ignatius, Justin Martyr, John Chrysostom, Basil, Gregory, Ambrose, Augustine, Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, Dominic, Luther, Calvin, Bucer, Zwingli, Cranmer, Wesley, Tillich, and every other thinker about Christianity except maybe Henry Emerson Fosdick?
And what about the times Paul refers to Christ as “God”?
This and its two sister threads should be preserved as classic examples of the species Drivebyicus Witnessensis.
Debate or not can you explain Matthew 5:5?People are all hung up Jesus being God but does he say he’s God in John 20:17?he said his God is our God?Jesus prayed did he not?If your God why do you pray?If your God Almighty then there is no being “higher” then you is it?So who would you pray to if your God Almighty?
You have a very narrow viewpoint of what god is. O_o
Dang, I thought that Cecil is the greatest man that ever lived.
If Jesus wasn’t divine, brewster, then what the fuck is the point of Christianity? Why exactly should we listen to his words, in your view?
Jesus Christ -The greatist man to ever live
This post has been grated by the…
Can someone translate this into English for me, please?
I think the guy who came up with the germ theory of disease was a lot more important to the human race than Jesus, who was basically just another holy yakker who happened to catch on. Could of been any of thousands of others. And van Leeuwenhoek, inventor of the microscope outranks Jesus too.
That list could get to be very long if it were worth the trouble to work on it.