Jesus Christ With This Sonya Sotomayor Thing!

Those FUCKING IDIOTS grilling her, are the SAME FUCKING IDIOTS who need to clean up their OWN back yard.

Stupid motherfuckers!

You ROCK, Your Honor!


I know I ain’t supposed to be in here, but I didn’t know where else to say “fucking” other than here.



Who cares? Unless she stands up on the table and takes a dump on a copy of the constitution, she’s in.

If she were a Republican, even that’d be OK.

One take on the hearings so far.


If I could, she would have my vote.

You don’t sit there in your own shit, and tell someone else to wipe their ass!

Yeah, maybe she DID make some bad decisions and write some opinions which were taken wrong, but she’s a JUDGE fer Christ’s sake!

She deserves the seat.

Said and done.

Quasi (who doesn’t know shit from Shinola)


Wanna buy a shitload of Shinola?

You could have cut and pasted and told me it was a transcript and I probably wouldn’t have figured it out for a while. :smiley:

I have absolutely no problem with the Senate grilling Sotomayor. Once she’s in, she’s in, so asking her lots of questions she won’t give a straight answer to is a more worthwhile exercise than most other things they’d be doing. Declaring August to be National Diverticulitis Awareness Month, probably.

Anyway, it’s traditional. The President picks the craziest fucker he thinks will sneak through, and Congress tries to bore the nominee into saying something that will freak out voters.

“So, Judge Sotomayor, do you consider it a great honor to represent the Hispanic community and pederasts?”

Nope, her being a Republican would only change which side of the aisle hates her.

I read the thread title and began to wonder if Jesus Christ could get a seat on the Supreme Court. He did have a period in his past when he hung out with a bad crowd.

SSG Schwartz

He’d be our first gay Supreme Court Justice.

Is there such a thing as a Shinola, anyways? :wink:

According to Bevis & Butthead, they’re Hispandex, okay? :wink:

Anyway, she *still * gets my vote (if I had one).

Y’all are missing the point!

Those assholes grilling her are the same assholes who are gonna get caught later on for who knows what?

Fargin’ Dib-Wibblers!

Oughta shoot 'em all!

[crotchety old man] “We didn’t have judges when I was a boah! We just strung 'em up, and let hist’ry sort it out! And we LIKED it!” [/crotchety old man]

I love you little shits! I just come in here to let y’all know I still have half a brain! :wink:

No. Enough is enough, and as Popeye once said: “Enough is TOO MUCH!

Shinola was/is a brand of shoe polish, I think, but it may also be a product to straighten curly hair with.

Anyway, I think the expression “You don’t know shit from Shinola” might have come from the 30’s.


Plus, I knew I could count on my Kiddos to chime in here! :wink:

Y’all ROCK, Dude!:slight_smile:


It’d be tough for him with the whole “Judge not yet ye be judged” thing.

Guilty until proven innocent, at least for those whom you disagree with?

Sounds reasonable to me…

I believe he’s talking in probabilities, which right now are running slightly against the Republicans, though I wouldn’t exactly bet the life savings on the Democratic side of the aisle. :rolleyes:

ETA: And it should be noted that the incredible hypocrisy of Sen. Sessions grilling a nominee for things they have said or decided in the past has not gone unnoticed by all.

I would think that just by creating a whip from some cords, driving out the money changers from the temple, and turning over their tables would be enough to declare him an enemy of commerce. A person not qualified to pass judgment on business litigation.
Senator R: “Now, Mr. Jesus. Besides having a Latino name; Do you deny that you impersonated a Judge and let that whore off the hook?” :slight_smile:


God! I LOVE you guys!

“Now Mr. Jesus…”

Had me farting in my CHAIR!

If I could just die laughing, wouln’t THAT be GREAT!:smiley:

Ever had one of those, Chirruns?

I love every one of you little shit-heads. Even though I am not worthy of even a single glance from YOU!

Thanks for the laughs! I am STILL rolling around, trying to hold my belly in!

I send my love!
