President John F. Kennedy has long been portrayed as a major skirt chaser, but brother Robert was hardly a slouch, thus begging that all-important historical question: Which of these Kennedy men was the more “accomplished” philanderer? Anecdotal accounts would suggest JFK deserves Top Gun status, but some would argue that RFK was more discreet.
From everything I’ve heard, John was the serious womanizer. Robert had some occasional affairs but nothing in comparison to the number his brother had.
I always just wonder, if RFK was really a womaniser, then I think he was a hypocrite, because he said that he was moralistic, he was religious and spiritual, that he loved his wife and children, and that he stood for justice and respected women. If he was a womaniser, how can he be the man and public servant he claimed to be?
The only thing, if we believe in his character, is that which could do away with the rumours. Because the rumours does not match the man he was in public. JFK on the other hand never pretended such righteousness as RFK did. I think, we have common sense enough to know that these allegations are probably wrong, made in his lifetime to smear his reputation and hurt his political career, and now to assassinate his character further in front the public that still loves the best attorney general in the US history, and the best president that the US never had.
Well, I’m not going to vote for him now.
I’ve never read a bio of Robert Kennedy–was he indeed a womanizer at all? What are the specific stories, and cites, and how reliable are they?
I seem to recall an anecdote about the two of them one time during the presidency having a contest to see who could get the most skirt. Does anyone else remember this?
No Bobby Kennedy never had an affair but Jack had a good few.
Bobby was a devout catholic, so he would find it morally deceiving,
also he was very close to his mother and had probably seen his father’s affairs hurting her. But Jack didn’t care much for his religion and was more his ‘father’s son’.
I’ve read a load of books about his life and they all make fun of the ‘affairs’ because it wasn’t at all in his character and it was just funny to think he would have because he was always described by his brothers and sisters as a bit prudent and reserved which you can kind of tell just by watching him speak. There was a load of accusations, the funniest being the Marilyn Monroe one because although she had an affair with Jack, it was Bobby that had to get her to stop calling Jack because she became obsessed with him. People said there was wire-taps, but no one ever heard any tapes and the person that came out talking about the ‘affair’ of Bobby and Marilyn said she was a friend of Marilyn but no one actually remembers her from that time and there was never a picture found of her with Marilyn.
This is kind of a tautology isn’t it? By this reasoning there are no hypocrites.
Don’t recall. Anecdotally, Robert may have been less of a womanizer than this brothers and father, but that’s a “high” standard of womanizing! Can anyone name a skirt chaser more egregious than JFK?
Seymour Hersh’s credentials as near libeler of the Kennedy family are beyond reproach. The index of his Camelot shows only two entries even for Teddy, and three entries for RFK sexual activities:
[li] Bobby and Teddy were both in White House pool participating in alleged orgy. This came to light as Hersh’s informant had to break into the private party to inform Commander-in-Chief that 1st Lady Jackie was en route home. The attendance of Bobby and Teddy made secret service agents willing to leave the Pres. alone with strange party girls. “The brothers would do anything to protect John.”[/li][li] another report of White House pool[/li][li] A KGB report surfaced : “[Bobby displayed the family weakness] by cavalierly requesting his Intourist guide to send a woman of loose morals to his hotel room.”[/li][/ul]
Given RFK’s eleven kids I wouldn’t think he had much time for affairs. After all, you don’t hit the bulls-eye every time.
Pshaw! It was not unusual for certain Siamese monarchs of the past to sire in excess of 100 offspring from various wives and concubines. You can always find the time.
Exactly. I mean, look at Jimmy Swaggart…
Plus, his (RFK’s) reserved and shy etc…demeanor could have been one of his cute strageties for picking up the babes. I know a couple guys that works for…
Well obviously–multiple wives and concubines greatly increased the monarchs’ procreative success, given the greater likelihood of intercourse with a woman who was ovulating over any given week or month.