Jinx, you're a fucking jackass.

to repeat:

to add:

I mean, DUDE. when I opened that thread I expected to see “I don’t really get the legalities of the whole ‘district’ thing”. Maybe something along the lines of “Why are people from DC all bent out of shape about taxation without representation?” But to be on this message board for 7 fucking yeras and not know how to Google the fucking Constitution? Why the fuck are you here? Do you read these boards? Do you read the column? Fucking hell, do you READ? At all? Family Circus, maybe? The Jumble?

Goddamn. I’ve read a lot of shit here over my years of lurking, but to post “Duh HOY hoy, what does my Constitution say, exactly” is not only the fucking height of stupidity, it’s the height of fucking jerkishness.

Oh, and to repeat:


You’re an idiot who deserves the warning he got.


The question asked by jinx in the linked thread wasn’t just “what does the constitution say” as you suggest, but “if it says that DC is under the control of congress in the constitution, why does it have a mayor”? His comment about not having read the constitution through was just an aside.

As was politely pointed out in the linked thread by several other posters, it’s deffinately worth Jinx’s time to read the constitution. No need to be a dick repeating the same thing 6 other people have already said with much less class.

I’m a little dismayed that Jinx hasn’t read it, but try not to be quite such a dick about it, hmm? Also, for future reference, Rico wasn’t giving you “advice.”

I pit this pit (ting).

So Jinx hasn’t read the US Constitution, and that somehow justifies you spouting profane insults in General Questions? That was the best warning I’ve ever seen.

And while we all know what you meant… :slight_smile:

The Constitution is a very good thing to read, but so are other texts, such as this essay by Bigelow: http://newearth.org/frontier/grmain.html.

People who use their knowledge to feel superior to another who lacks it have missed the point. It’s the seeking of knowledge that is blessed, not the possession of it. It’s the confession of ignorance, not the crowing over a little learning, that we must respect.

In this case, friend Jinx sought knowledge and confessed ignorance. He didn’t have to do either, and he certainly didn’t have to do the latter so explicitly. He started the thread. Several other people provided answers for him, to remedy his lack of knowledge, and/or encouraged him to read the Constitution (and by encouraged, I mean they actually made it more likely that he would – assuring him that it was neither too long, too convoluted, nor too archaic to understand, that it was a worthwhile read, providing a link to the text, and so forth), to remedy his ignorance. At this point, the SDMB was performing much as I imagine its creators had hoped on their less-cynical days.

Then there came you, tiel0301, with a diatribe that asserts both your knowledge and your superiority, falling short of proving either. You alone managed both to fail to answer the question and to discourage the search for knowledge. In short, you’re occupying the pro-ignorance position in that thread, kiddo. Think about that before you become a member and grace us with any more glimpses into your angry little mind.

Well put, The King of Soup. I’d rather have a thousand Jinxs on the board than one tiel0301.

This has inspired me to go read the Constitution. And no, I don’t know that I have ever read the whole thing in my adult life. Like Jinx, I probably went over it with my teacher in American History and then was way too cool to be seen reading it again.

$5 says tiel0301 doesn’t make it through the weekend.

That’s a nice clean reaming tiel0301.
Too bad you put it in GQ, but on the plus side, it made for an easy call by Rico.

I can not believe that OP is being defended. It did not say “I read it and do not understand it”. It said “I am too damn lazy to look it up. Do my work for me.”

The way I read this thread, the responders aren’t so much defending Jinx. They seem to be saying that your response in GQ and OP in this thread are evidence that you are an asshole who doesn’t care to respond within the rules of the forum and the culture of the Dope. **The King of Soup ** summed it up with his usual clarity and eloquence. Try reading his post again. It’s shorter the the US Constitution.

As do most of the OPs in GQ.

Jinx has annoyed me in the past (I won’t go into why just now, but they certainly weren’t hanging offenses) and I expected to agree with the OP when I read the title, but you’re rather off base here. There were plenty of people who managed to gently correct Jinx’s misunderstanding (that the constitution was lengthy, complex, and too difficult for a layperson to read and comprehend) without being jerks about it.

Not to mention you’re a guest. We take that term literally around here, it’s not just messageboardese for “random jerk who hasn’t paid”. You are our guest, and we’ll welcome you into our “home” and let you poke around in our underwear drawers to see if you like the place. But being a guest carries responsibilities, as well. Rather bad form to spew vile in the wrong forum of a message board of which you’re not even a member. I’d suggest a time of lurkitude while you figure out how things work around here before you go all pit happy.

Well the OP makes a contribution and is polite.
Unlike some posters.

Whereas you’re too damn lazy to read the forum rules and post accordingly.

Yeah, Jinx has a habit of asking some dumbass questions. Big fucking deal. GQ isn’t the place to rip someone a new asshole (and you should know that after “years of lurking”.)

You know, some folks have been here for years, and still don’t get the posting conventions. How about cutting the newb some slack?
Jinx can be annoying.
tiel0301 expressed his annoyance in the wrong place, and got spanked for it.
BFD, it doesn’t make him the goddamned antichrist.

Not the antichrist, but quite a jerk. And certainly not helping in the fight against ignorance, as The King of Soup pointed out.