It’s been 10 years since I job searched. 15 since my wife has.
Now she’s looking for a new job and I’m not sure that any of my old techniques are good. Are and still the leaders in job search? Anything else we should be looking at.
She’s in insurance today, has her licenses in many states, works as a claims adjuster. While insurance is definitely on the “possibles” list, if she had her druthers, she’d like to get involved in hospice work or similar.
She has a BA in Business.
Me? Mine is looking shaky. Still Monster & Dice for tech jobs?
Check out jobserious and see if you can register. I did so for automotive jobs. They send an email every day of local job listing from a number of sources monster, AppleOne, Craig’s list etc. a word of warning their website can be a bit wonky it took me several tries over a week or so to get the registration to work.
LinkedIn is also a prime source for jobs. Have her look for groups like insurance jobs, or insurance careers.
I found my current job through LinkedIn. gathers not-for-profit and public service jobs. They post both jobs and volunteer positions, and I’ve never seen any spam/fake postings there.
Linked In might be the best of the lot. But how many hospices are there in your area? Might it make more sense to search for, see if they have any jobs listed, and maybe give someone in the business office a call?
I do hiring for tech jobs. We never use Monster. Never, ever, ever. We have used Linked-In, but there is another site where people are actually looking for jobs which my recruiter used, and which was much better. I can’t remember the name now.
Just think if you were hiring. On one hand you have this immense stack of resumes from Monster, mostly crap. On the other is a resume from someone who researched your company, looked you up, and gave you a call or sent you an email. Which resume do you think gets priority?
Don’t worry about managers being annoyed. I’m fairly visible in my field, and no one ever calls me, even when I want people to.
Two examples of networking. I was on a committee with someone who eventually was looking for a job. He gave me a call. it so happened that a manager had asked me to define a job for his group, and this guy fit perfectly. The guy got the job, the manager got to hire a good person without a lot of hassle, and everyone won.
Second, a Doper was looking for a job. I happened to know someone who had just moved to AMD in Boston, and I set them up. It worked.
And I got my last job through networking. My neighbor was a good friend of an HR guy who was working for someone who was looking for someone exactly like me. You never can tell.
I work in the pharmaceutical industry and I always get interviews through recruiters, contracting agencies, or personal contacts. I don’t remember ever posting my resume on a jobs website but it gets around somehow and I just update it whenever someone calls with something interesting. I’ve applied to company job postings but the most I got were some polite rejection letters. The big job boards are at least good for seeing what’s out there.
Does your state have a state-wide jobs listing site? In Minnesota it’s Minnesota Works, sponsored by the department of employment and economic development. It looks like many businesses post job posting there of all kinds. I use it in my college classes to show students what job skills are being sought after and why we’re studying a particular topic.
State-wide jobs site? You mean for City & State jobs? For Denver there’s a city Job site ( and the state has a website. Is there some sort of aggregator for private jobs in the state you have?
I also recommend LinkedIn and I’ve found my last two jobs on LinkedIn and Indeed set me up with a couple interviews at least.
I have found, however, that companies who like employee referrals tend to do LinkedIn, whereas recruiters and other third-party firms constantly seem to post on Indeed (or Indeed picks them up from other job sites, it is a meta-searcher).
I work at a Fortune 500 company and we use Indeed for all our recruiting needs, although we also give much greater consideration to people who apply directly through our corporate website. While we understand that there is no reason for someone to randomly look on a company’s website, when you are the size of my company, you typically have several hundred jobs open at once. So when someone applies through our site, it tells us they want “our” job as opposed to “a” job.
Plus we know that someone applying through the site is actually interested.
If you are in any reasonable field, you should be aware of the major companies who hire people like you. If not you should find out. That gives you a list of companies to investigate. In the old days people had to go to the library to leaf through a list of companies by industry (which still exist, btw.) It is much easier today.
I mostly hire new MS and PhD students, who get recruited by our company recruiter. But the ones who have spent the time to research us have an edge.
What kind of tech job? If it’s anything programming related, Stack Overflow Careers is the place. But give us more info about what you’re looking for. I keep my eyes open about jobs, depending on your skillset I may be able to point you to some other things.