Job Interview this afternoon - eeeek!

Please send good luck vibes my way.

I don’t normally get nervous before interviews, but I’m sure shakin’ today.

Plus the interview is at 3, so I have all day to fret. Oops, I mean prepare! :slight_smile:

Good luck vibes sent.

Good luck!!! Been following your threads!

Thanks - it’s over & done now - I should find out next week if I get it or not.

I really have no idea - I aced part of it and kind of tanked on part of it - so … we’ll see.

Kind of funny - as soon as I walked out the door I realized a mistake I’d made - damn, if only I could have a do-over. :slight_smile:

Happy Friday all!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Here’s to the (stress-free) weekend!

The waiting is the hardest part!

Good luck!

Thanks …

I’ve pretty much reconciled myself to the fact that I won’t get it. I think tanking on the end bit REALLY highlighted my limited abilities … sigh

Ah well, I tried and I know I made a good impression, so hopefully the next time a position opens up, they’ll remember my name and give me another shot at something I might be more suited for.

I’m a little bummed but I’m going to try not to beat myself up over it. I froze big-time … right at the end … grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.:mad:

I blew it SO bad and I haven’t slept all weekend. I wish Friday afternoon from about 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. could be a DO-OVER!!! :frowning:

Eh, it might not be as bad as you think… I thought I totally bombed an interview, only to be called back and told that I was still a candidate for the position…

Have you sent a thank you e-mail yet? If not, try to do damage control, such as “Upon further reflection, I would like to expand upon my response to blah, blah, blah” or “Upon reflection, I realize that rather than doing X, I should have done Y.”

I actually did a variation of this a few months ago and got a nice e-mail back from the interviewer–I am still in the running for a second interview but the process is moving at a glacial pace.

Sorry to hear that. What did you feel you did wrong?

Stainz, I hope it is not as bad as you fear.

Sometimes you end up obsessing over the one error you remembered, and blank out everything else. I know what you mean about freezing up during an exam like that – I forget basic accounting ideas in that situation! I hope it all works out, and you’re right–you did a great job in pursuing this and that’s a valuable thing.

She mentions some info over here: