Job Question?

Let’s say I write a post in which I ask people for advice on figuring out my life’s trajectory and what jobs/schooling opportunities I should look at, given my experiences and knowledge base (I don’t know where to turn with some of this stuff, so maybe some of the teeming millions can help or if they can’t, direct me to someone who can). IMHO or MPSIMS?

Threads asking for advice go in IMHO.

imho IMHO.

Yup, IMHO.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator

If you aren’t sure where it belongs, and you don’t have a preference as to which forum it’s posted in, toss a coin and post it there with a disclaimer “I’m not sure whether this belongs in MPSIMS or IMHO, mods can feel free to move the topic”. It’ll get where it should be, and you won’t have to wait for responses by asking in ATMB.

Just teaching a man to fish =)

You can also post it in the forum you choose, a la rachelellogram, and then hit the little report triangle as ask the mods to check if it’s in the right forum. That way the mods are alerted to your thread pretty quickly, and you don’t have to wait until a mod notices your thread.

Just teaching a man to fish… efficiently. :smiley:

Or…mail a mod and ask before posting.

“If you teach a man to fish, he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.” - George Carlin