Is there a way I should have worded my post so it wouldn’t have been moved? Or can I just get it moved back? I’m not asking for advice so much as asking other people to relate how they met their significant others. There is a substantively different “feel” to the responders in MPSIMS vs IMHO and I want to hear from the MPSIMS crowd. If I can’t get my thread moved back to MPSIMS, I’d frankly rather it be deleted.
I’ve already had one well-intentioned threadshit. It’s like if a gay person posted a thread about where to meet gay people, and some clueless marysue waltzes in to reply how well heterosexuality is working out for her.
You were asking how to find someone who doesn’t want to have sex with you, so I moved it to IMHO, which is where dating advice threads are, including “how do I find someone who [whatever someone is looking for in a relationship of whatever kind].” No skin off my nose, I’ve moved it back.
In the future, the easiest way to get these things dealt with is to use the “report this post” button (! in a triangle) and use the message on that to explain what you want. Yes, you can report your own post now, and no, post reports are not just for rules violations – they’re for anything you want a mod to do, like move a thread, correct a thread title, fix some coding after your edit window has expired, etc.
Can I ask why? Because you were asking for opinions - why wouldn’t you want it in IMHO? Plenty of people share personal information in every forum. IMHO is basically “MPSIMS, but with opinion gathering”. From your thread:
I’m not sure why you feel that way - you’re more likely to get random “here’s a similar experience I had” in MPSIMS rather than a reflection on your experience that you’ll get in IMHO.
Drachillix posted exactly one sentence that was off-topic in the way you describe. It seems to have offended you quite a bit, but it’s at most a thread-shart and should be ignored in polite company.