Moving threads

Not really a huge deal but I did want to get some clarification on a topic move. I posted a thread in MPSIMS. I didn’t want it in IMHO but twickster moved it there because I was “asking for advice.” But there are various other threads in MPSIMS where people are asking others to share their stories or opinions (like Stupidity by college professors/administrations. Share your experiences! - Miscellaneous and Personal Stuff I Must Share - Straight Dope Message Board or It's 2045, and you are going to a 2010 retro party. What to wear, bring, do? - Miscellaneous and Personal Stuff I Must Share - Straight Dope Message Board), and they weren’t moved. There is even a (jokey) thread that asks for advice in the thread title that wasn’t moved to IMHO.

Is there a way I should have worded my post so it wouldn’t have been moved? Or can I just get it moved back? I’m not asking for advice so much as asking other people to relate how they met their significant others. There is a substantively different “feel” to the responders in MPSIMS vs IMHO and I want to hear from the MPSIMS crowd. If I can’t get my thread moved back to MPSIMS, I’d frankly rather it be deleted.


Cue the usual suspects.

I’ve already had one well-intentioned threadshit. It’s like if a gay person posted a thread about where to meet gay people, and some clueless marysue waltzes in to reply how well heterosexuality is working out for her.


My apologies. I couldn’t resist. :smiley:

I meant Drachillix in the thread I posted. Not you here.

You were asking how to find someone who doesn’t want to have sex with you, so I moved it to IMHO, which is where dating advice threads are, including “how do I find someone who [whatever someone is looking for in a relationship of whatever kind].” No skin off my nose, I’ve moved it back.

In the future, the easiest way to get these things dealt with is to use the “report this post” button (! in a triangle) and use the message on that to explain what you want. Yes, you can report your own post now, and no, post reports are not just for rules violations – they’re for anything you want a mod to do, like move a thread, correct a thread title, fix some coding after your edit window has expired, etc.

. . . mow your lawn, pick up the kids from school, get rid of unwanted facial hair, get rid of embarrassing age spots, deliver a pizza . . .

Can I ask why? Because you were asking for opinions - why wouldn’t you want it in IMHO? Plenty of people share personal information in every forum. IMHO is basically “MPSIMS, but with opinion gathering”. From your thread:

I’m not sure why you feel that way - you’re more likely to get random “here’s a similar experience I had” in MPSIMS rather than a reflection on your experience that you’ll get in IMHO.

Drachillix posted exactly one sentence that was off-topic in the way you describe. It seems to have offended you quite a bit, but it’s at most a thread-shart and should be ignored in polite company.