Jodi Arias

Whadya say guys? Would you take a chance on her knowing what we know?
Built like a brick shithouse, unfettered passion…etc.


well, you both seem to have the same maturity level.


zoid, I took it as a crude “would you tap that”, attractive enough but crazy as a sh!thouse rat.

I’m not even sure what this is asking :confused:

Can we report it for not being spam? It even has a descriptive title! but after that, I’m just at a loss.
But for the sake of answering the OP:

Definitely a maybe.

Moved Cafe Society --> IMHO.

Sheesh guys, do I really have to spell it out?
I put the link to show Jodi pre courtroom nerdover.

What? This belongs in the Great Debate section!!!

I’m happy to leave the debate of this question to maximum security prison guards for the next 4-5 generations.

It says right in my dating profile:

Turn ons
Walks on the beach
Breakfast in bed

Turn offs
Homicidal maniacs

Not even if she were a man.

Well, I thought Jeffrey Dahmer was kinda hot . . . but that was before I learned about his eating habits.

She’s built, sure enough, but otherwise not particularly attractive. Not unattractive, just not particularly attractive.

Remember the rule: No matter how hot she looks, there’s some dude who’s sick and tired of her shit.

Yeah, I bet she’s a real tiger. When she gets through with you, you’ll be grinning from ear to ear.

I got in late to this whole thing (really late), and I’m still a little stumped as to how she got famous and why anyone cared. I mean, I’m sure it’s tragic for the vic’s family and friends, and for the area, but nationally? Seriously?

Or in this case, no matter how hot she looks there’s some dude who is sick and tired of getting shot, stabbed and getting his throat cut by her.

In that order wouldn’t be so bad. Reverse it, and no thanks.

in more ways than one

I find her face very unattractive. Her eyes, nose and chin just don’t work for me.

Plus, there’s that whole brutal murderer thing she has going.