Joe the Dumbass: "A vote for Obama is a vote for death to Israel"

They truly out to make that a campaign ad.

You know, as a punchline, “His name isn’t even Joe,” I suppose has some worth, but as someone who has gone by his middle name for lo these past 43 years or so, I’m getting a little irritated with this Sam thing.

Just saying …

Maybe I missed it upthread, but is there a site for the assertion that he’s not a plumber?

Probably slightly less than 250k.

Now, wait just one minute. As much as I dislike the guy and McCain’s focus on him, I’m gonna call bullshit on the tactic of making him appear disingenuous because his first name is not Joe. As someone who has been going by my middle name for all of my adult life, I do not appreciate it when people* call me by my first name. But I have never experienced anyone insinuating that I’m a fake because of that and that would piss me off even more.

It’s low, childish, and really reaching on that, folks. There are plenty of other things to call him out for… so seriously, grow up already.

  • ETA: People other than my close family and people that knew me in my childhood.

McCain is giving JTP the mike at rallies to say exactly this kind of stupid thing, hoping to scare people and hoping to be able to say JTP isn’t a pro if he goes too far off the reservation. Frankly, McCain’s campaign is making W look steady and responsible by comparison, and I never thought I would say that. If a McCain presidency is anything like a McCain campaign, it would be worse than W.

I’m sure the board must have a McCain supporting Canadian to cancel you out.

I agree. I’ll even go you one better - I’ve been called by my middle name since birth. I was dubbed a Third, as in my grandfather is a Sr., my dad is a Jr., and I’m a III. Going by my middle name was a planned thing. No one calls me by my first name. Not even my parents. Ever.

But as pointed out previously, it does seem to work as a punchline.

As in: “He isn’t a plumber and he doesn’t make $250,000 – hell, his name isn’t even Joe!”

When you take the other parts away from the joke, then it sounds childish.

Sorry Brown… I MEAN EYED!! EYED!!!

You’re so predictable. :wink:

@Jack Batty: Oh, it’s part of a joke? I get it, but yeah, not so funny without the rest of it.

How about people just put it to rest and stop making yourselves (not Jack) look so petty?

IIRC, he’s not a licensed plumber. He works as a contractor under his (licensed plumber) boss. To become licensed, folks have to go through specific training, have completed x number of hours working under a journeyman, etc.

I knew a guy called Joe, once, in the army. Neither his first, middle or last name were in any way similar to “Joe” or “Yossi” or anything like that; he just liked introducing himself as Joe, and people went along. Even the officers called him Joe.

Joe Emerald, he called himself. He used to write the name on his gear, and no, his last name was nothing like “Emerald”. Only guy I ever knew who had a full nickname. Funny kid.

Joe’s not a licensed plumber


Yr welcome. It should be noted that he still refers to himself as a plumber in casual conversation. I suspect “unlicensed plumber” doesn’t have the same flow, as it were.

Thanks for sharing that! What a guy … what can’t people like Charles Alexander get more attention in the “liberal” media? Damn …

BTW, much has been made in GD of Obama’s international popularity and the millions in other countries who fervently hope he wins. But Israel hasn’t been mentioned in that regard, AFAIK. Do the Israeli people have any clear preference as between Obama and McCain?

A poll was published yesterday giving McCain 46.4% versus 34% to Obama (with 18.6% undecided). The respondents said that McCain would be better at handling Iran, while Obama would be better at handling the global financial crisis. As is usually the case around here, the guiding principle is “It’s National Security, Stupid!” Plus, as I’ve mentioned before, McCain reminds people here of Rabin and Sharon.

I’ll see if I can find an English version.

Funny, he doesn’t look Jewish.

I saw dude’s bus this afternoon in Cincinnati while I was driving to pick a bunch of corned beef sammiches and potato pancakes from a Jewish deli.

No lie.

I rolled down the window and held up an Obama sign I happened to have handy.

I am no fan of Joe’s, but I can’t get angry about this, either. I worked as a private investigator for four years under the same circumstances. I was employed by someone with a PI license. I did all the same work a PI would do. I had “Private Investigator” on my business cards. But I didn’t have my own license. Same situation with Joe, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying he’s a plumber if that is the work he does on a daily basis.