Just finished watching Matt LeBlanc in Joey and I was surprised that I really liked it.
I give it ten
Just finished watching Matt LeBlanc in Joey and I was surprised that I really liked it.
I give it ten
Meh… I wasn’t too enamoured with it. I’ll watch it if there is nothing else on on Tuesdays, but I’m not going to be watching every week.
Considering my expectations were low and what i got was mediocre…yea it exceeded my expectations. Add me to the pleasantly suprised list, and i’ll keep an eye on it.
It’s a ‘4’ at best.
It was better than I expected it would be. I like Joey’s nephew as a character, plus I thought he was funny in Road Trip. Ill probably watch it again.
As one who’s not a fan of Friend’s, I was pleasantly surprised by how funny the show was. I’ll be tuning in next week.
This is the first time in months that I have missed having a TV.
I enjoyed it as well. I am a huge Friends fan. (D&R into the corner - don’t hit me.) I was glad they kept his character true.
Only thing I’m having trouble with…she wasn’t one of his original sisters. I also don’t think that was one of his sister’s names. I thought they were all Mary and then something?
I watched a few minutes of it like 15 minutes after it started, and it seemed very bad, nowhere near as funny as I found Friends. Maybe I should have given it some more time (or watched it from the start).
And so it begins…
When Sam Malone made a guest appearance on “Frasier” Sam noted that while in Boston, Frasier’s father was dead, his mother was alive, and he didn’t have a brother. Frasier’s explanation for these glaring inconsistencies. . .
“I lied.”
Had relatively low expectations as this was a new show with new writers, but was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the show. I will keep watching.
I only caught the last part of it, which was only so-so. Good at introducing the characters, but not enough to make them interesting.
But the casting is weird. Why cast a women five years younger than Matt LeBlanc as his older sister? Are there no 40-year-old actresses in Hollywood who could play the part? She’s only five years older than her “son.” They don’t mesh at all on screen. (And Drea de Matteo’s breasts just aren’t large enough by Hollywood standards to warrant the implant jokes every five seconds.)
If they don’t introduce some new continuing characters to take the burden off the already repetitious jokes the series will die a slow death as former Friends loyalists seep away.
I had forgotten about that episode. That was one of the funniest lines I’ve ever heard, given the hilarious context.
If this show fails, it won’t be Matt LeBlanc’s fault.
Joey is funny.
I am skeptical of the supporting cast they put around him.
I liked Road Trip but his nephew was pretty dull.
His sister was hit or miss.
The lawyer wasn’t very compelling.
“stifler’s mom”'s scene was dreadful. I didn’t like that character at all.
I hope they tighten it up. I want it to succeed.
Put me down as a person who didn’t buy the mother-son angle. Drea just looks too young, even if she did have the kid at 16. And the son is an ACTUAL rocket scientist who is out of college, but doesn’t have enough money for an apartment? Is he working for peanuts?
I WANTED to like this show but wound up leaving the room after 15 minutes. Unless something changes it won’t survive to a 2nd season.
my TIVO betrayed me for some reason… was it a half hour show, or longer? And if it was just a half hour, what happened in the last 5 minutes?
(last I saw, Joey came home after botching the audition with the three cameras, his nephew told him he wouldn’t be his roommate after all, and that was it…)
I’m pretty sure he mentioned he was a grad student, near the beginning of the episode. Had he been anything but penniless it wouldn’t have been true to life.
I thought the show was all right. I actually rather liked Stiffler’s mom - she was a hoot. The sister’s definitely way too young to have mothered a twenty year old.
The show ran long - I also noticed that it was still going five minutes past the half hour. Joey made some speech about how he hates change but change can be good, all his friends got married, blah blah. Then he mentions that the nephew is old enough to move out, since she was only 16 when she had him. The payoff there was pretty lame - she grabbed his ear, the end.