In late August, JobA laid me off. I took it all in stride, and they gave me a decent severence package. Still, I hate job searching, so it sucked. Several leads came my way, most went nowhere. Still, there WERE jobs out there, and I WAS getting some interviews and such.
In October, I interviewed with and accepted an offer for a position in Boston (I live in Chicago). It was a good, but not great, position and I was somewhat excited by the new opportunity. Just a few days before I was getting ready to move all my stuff, the company retracted their offer. Still, they gave me $5k (minus a heck-a-lotta taxes) as a consolation. It was good of them, and they didn’t have to.
Anyway, things came full circle today when I took a job at the company that laid me off in the first place. Same salary and I’m getting my seniority back. I start Monday.
So, what it all boils down to is that I got a 2.5 month paid vacation and a lot of cool stuff that I bought for myself. Now I just need to start sleeping when it’s dark out and being awake when it’s light out and I should ne all set.