Joey's Crazy Job Circle (now with happy ending!)

In late August, JobA laid me off. I took it all in stride, and they gave me a decent severence package. Still, I hate job searching, so it sucked. Several leads came my way, most went nowhere. Still, there WERE jobs out there, and I WAS getting some interviews and such.

In October, I interviewed with and accepted an offer for a position in Boston (I live in Chicago). It was a good, but not great, position and I was somewhat excited by the new opportunity. Just a few days before I was getting ready to move all my stuff, the company retracted their offer. Still, they gave me $5k (minus a heck-a-lotta taxes) as a consolation. It was good of them, and they didn’t have to.

Anyway, things came full circle today when I took a job at the company that laid me off in the first place. Same salary and I’m getting my seniority back. I start Monday.

So, what it all boils down to is that I got a 2.5 month paid vacation and a lot of cool stuff that I bought for myself. Now I just need to start sleeping when it’s dark out and being awake when it’s light out and I should ne all set.

Before we were both broke, yet in the same city. Now we both have jobs, yet don’t live in the same city.

Pros and cons. :slight_smile:

Good on you, JoeyBear. All’s well that ends well.

Now let’s get Dyno a job, eh?

Yay! :slight_smile:

I’m happy for you, even though you’re not moving to Boston.

Love ya’

So why didn’t YOU get a job in the frozen north, huh? huh?

Pfft, some people.

Remind me to buy you at least one drink the next time I see you. :slight_smile:

Congrats, Joey, that sounds terrific, all around, buddy.

I’m happy things worked out well for you, Joey, but I too am sad you won’t be living in Boston. Go you!

I am barely able to be happy for you through my raging jealousy.


Congratulations, Joey, way to go! Glad the job searching is over, that’s got to be worth it right there.

Take care,