Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd?

I’m a little concerned about the upcoming Sweeney Todd movie. I mean Johnny Depp? He’s a great actor & all, but I really don’t see him as Sweeney. He’s too small, and I don’t think he’s a baritone. Not only that, but the screenplay is being written by John Logan, who should not be allowed near historical material. Tim burton is an excellent choice for director, though. Hopefully, he’ll pull this off.

Burton/Depp is pretty much a classic pairing at this point. It may not make for a great movie, but it’ll at least be worth watching.

If the Hollywood can make George Clooney sing, it can make Johnny Depp a baritone.

Please ignore that “the”, it’s not supposed to be there.

Spelling fixed in thread title.

But I’m not going to take that “the” away.

Thank you. That’s the next best thing to no one noticing.

Yep, Johnny Depp could pull it off. I’m finding it hard to think of a role he couldn’t pull off. (yes, I’m an old fangirl. so what?)

I can definitely see him doing both “Epiphany” and “Priest.” But I don’t know if he can sing.
Still, I’d see it.

Depp might be able to do it but I think another Burton-favorite, Christopher Walken, would be a better choice for the lead.

I just don’t think he (or Walken) has the size for the role. That’s going to change the whole physical dynamic of the character.

IMDB has a listing for a 2006 production with a script by John Logal and Christopher Bond, but directed by Sam Mendes and without any cast listed.

So what does Gregory Ellwood know that hasn’t percolated to IMDB yet?

That’s John Logan, of course.

I mention John Logan because Ellwood does:

Christopher Walken would have been amazing. Johnny Depp? Well, I’ll probably see it, but I can’t imagine him in the role. He’s too boyish and lovable. And he’s a solid actor, but he’s never impressed me that much; I don’t know that he has the presence necessary for Sweeney Todd. I’ve never understood all the fuss over him.

*Sweeney Todd *is the single greatest work ever written for the musical stage, so even though I love Burton and Depp, I’m bound to be disappointed. Besides, Burton just made a brilliant, masterful film (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory). History dictates that he will follow it with a disastrous failure of topheavy masturbation. I hope he breaks his string.

And though I totally trust Johnny Depp to tackle pretty much every role (he should do a the biopic: Shirley Temple: The Early Years!), the burden will be on him to eclipse Len Cariou. My gut instinct suggests that, indeed, Christopher Walken wouldn’t have the same obstacles of disbelief suspension to overcome, but I’ll keep an open mind.

Who else could do it, presuming the voice (and remember, Cariou was no opera star)? James Gandolfini?

Oh my god! Anthony Hopkins! Right?

Brian Cox? Robert DeNiro!

Depp is just to young and pretty to be the natural choice. Todd’s got a grown daughter for chrissake. And yes, I know Depp’s real age, but he sure don’t LOOK like he’s got a grown daughter.

I hope Patti Lupone does Mrs. Lovett. I saw Lansbury do it three times, but I think she may too old by now. Although, a 127-year-old Mrs. Lovett cavorting with a 26-year-old-lookin Sweeney Todd suggests a whole new level of grotesquerie. Maybe the can combine the storyline of *Sunset Boulevard. *(Glenn Close has a hell of a voice; she might make a good Lovett.)

If Tim Burton is directing, Mrs. Lovett will almost certainly be played by Helena Bonham Carter.

I am afraid that he’s going to try to compensate for his lack of size by doing a lot of “crazy eyes” stuff. A big man would just be able to perform the role without that handicap.

lissener, James Gandolfini is a little American for that part, but I think you’re on the right track.

That’s what I think too. However, she would have the same problem regarding her character that Depp has: being too young for the role. My image of Mrs. Lovett is somebody like Angela Lansbury–i.e., a mature woman in her 50’s. To me, Bonham Carter still seems rather girlish.

Sweeney Todd is my favorite play of all time, and I try to catch every performance that comes our way. We have both the Angela Lansbury and Patti LuPone DVD’s.

Actually, I find Johnny Depp to be the perfect choice of Todd, except for the lack of baritone. I don’t think Sweeney’s supposed to be that big, is he? The songs mention his eyes, but not his size. For one thing, how is Todd supposed to be a big strapping fellow after over ten years in Botany Bay? I see Todd being emaciated, and if anything, Depp needs to lose weight. For another thing, don’t forget that Todd gets away with it for so long because he fits in. He’s not threatening or hulking. You wouldn’t pick him out in a crowd, certainly not as a killer.

Would Beadle Bamford or Judge Turpin have gone alone into Sweeney Todd’s parlor if he had looked like a thug?

So Depp would be great. Other actors? Hmmmm . . . Ralph Fiennes, maybe. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any not mentioned in this thread yet.

Alan Rickman might be available if the trend of him not having much screen time in Harry Potter continues.

Another thing to consider is the different needs and capabilities of the medium involved. On stage, you don’t have the benefit of close-ups or POV shots, so the main (though not the only) way to convey menace is through size. With film, it’s possible to do so using features or gestures that would be almost invisible from stage.

My first thought when I heard Johnny Depp as Sweeney was “too boyish.” But then I realized that the two times I saw it performed live were by high school and college drama troupes, meaning that in both cases, Sweeney was played (and played well) by people half Depp’s age.

The film may be good or bad, but I Depp’s size and natural looks shouldn’t disqualify it from the start.