Three logicians walk in to a bar, bartender asks “Would you three like a drink?”
The first logician says “I don’t know”
The second logician says “I don’t know”
The third logician says “Yes”
Okay, I get the one about address allocation, but the other two defeat me. I’m surprised I didn’t get the one about programming, but clearly it’s too obscure.
I saw a funny cartoon about that the other day. The King is confronting the revolutionaries and saying, “I thought there’d be less of you,” and they shout “FEWER!”.
Reminds me of the jokes my high school Chemistry teacher and I would tell each other. I don’t remember them now, but you had to have a grasp of quantum physics to get the punchline of many of them.
So Duke Ellington dies and goes to Heaven. St. Peter meets him at the pearly gates. “Hey, Duke!” he says. “We’ve been waiting for you to lead Heaven’s band. You can have anyone you want. Charlie Parker on alto? Got 'im! John Coltrane on tenor? Got 'im! You can take your pick - you can even have Jimi Hendrix on guitar if you want.”
Then St. Peter draws a little nearer to the Duke and lowers his voice. “But…uh…for the singer…well, God’s got this girl…”
Huh. I might be totally misinterpreting the joke and reading into things that aren’t there . . . I think “heroic” turns into “eroic” which turns into “erotic.”