Jonesy the cat in "Alien"

That’s what @Darren_Garrison linked to directly prior to your post - the runner.

There is a huge amount of information gleaned from the AVP movies, comics, games and everything else that indicates a zenomorph’s basic abilities are in some ways derived from their host (see Predaliens). And a lot of debate about the smallest size of animal that would be viable.

If we were ever to consider the size/mass issues even vaguely scientifically, I think a cat would be marginal, or at least, non-grossly overweight cats. It’s going to take a lot of calories, derived from the host, to grow a chestburster, and the cat’s body isn’t going to have as much to sacrifice as your average larger animal.

And given the gestation times, it’s harder to keep most smaller animals alive without it starving/dehydrating to death when it’s unable to move.

Xenomorph Maine Coon.

Yes, or a first/second gen savannah cat, or any other extra large exotic breed. Pedant! :slight_smile:

But, we’re explicitly working with Jonesy, a smallish, domestic cat.

That would explain Ron Perlman.

No need to look outside the original film. Ash quietly but clearly refers to the alien as “Kane’s son.”

We’ve had two (non-giant) Maine Coon cats.

They’re big, even so. And they have manes, like little lions.

Aren’t most of those Maine Coon photos misleadingly posed to make the cat look bigger than they are? Long before photo editing they’ve done that with angler’s catches and dick pics.

Yes, they are. Many are just forced perspective and some are photoshopped.

My Maine Coons are a bit larger than average.

Sure, that’s what guys always say in their dating profile.

Ah yeah…you are correct.
