Joss Whedon's Dollhouse trailer.

Watch it here.

If I didn’t know that this was Whedon’s show, I would probably skip it. The trailer doesn’t make it look very special, but that might be a good thing. It might attract viewers that haven’t heard of Whedon and hopefully prevent FOX from canceling the show too early.


I was a huge Buffy fan (although Angel didn’t do anything for me) and, since then, I haven’t found much on network TV that truly interests me much. So, I’m glad to see this. I don’t know how much potential it truly has, apart from it being a Whedon show, but the preview was certainly compelling. I’ll be looking forward to this now. Thanks for the head’s up!

It wasn’t explained very well in the trailer. Felt a bit like The Kiln People by David Brin. I will support Dushku and Whedon, but I’m not panting for this one.

Looks interesting… Must remember to set the TiVo when the new season starts…

It appears there is a hot chick who kicks ass. This would be original for Whedon exactly how? It’s tired, predictable… did I say tired now? Yes.

I’ll give it a wait 'til the end of the first season assuming it makes it that far then see if it’s mostly Buffy fans still watching it. If yes, I can give it a miss, unless every single non-Buffy friend of mine in real life is raving about it.

When will this be airing?

Looks interesting to me … since when did chicks kicking ass get old, anyway?

Bah. Chicks kicking ass are here to stay. :slight_smile:

I’m looking forward to this.

Edit: also not all the dolls are chicks.

Hear that Joss? Might as well throw in the towel now. Unless every single one of levdrakon’s friends that didn’t enjoy your previous work loves this show, then levdrakon won’t even give it a chance. A majority love it? Not good enough. All but one? Still not enough. What if that one actually likes it, but just doesn’t rave? Nope, still doesn’t pass muster.

Seriously, I don’t understand why you would even have non-Buffy friends.

It’s on FOX, so it will never be shown at the same time or on the same day, the episodes will be shown out of order, and they will cancel it before it ever finds its audience.

Joss, you disappoint me. How could you possibly do business with these cretins again after what they did to Firefly?

GC, I agree completely.

Should be January.

I’ll be watching the show, because Whedon usually does an excellent job telling his tales. But I have to admit, right now I’m more curious about his “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog” with Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion.

Apparently everyone who fucked Firefly has since left Fox, so he was willing to try again. I wish him luck; it’d be nice if he outlasted them at their own network.

There was an interview with Joss Whedon in the L.A. Times last week…he talks about Dollhouse, Firefly, and some other stuff:,0,7939261.story

The new head of programming at Fox came from NBC, where he nurtured the initially-low-rated Friday Night Lights and The Office. That’s why Whedon went back to the network that previously buttraped him.

It’s got Eliza Dushku! Squee! Hubby will be very happy - he always said she would have made a better Buffy than what’s her face.

Everything about the show is a retread. It looks as interesting as a phone book.

I would like to watch it, but alas the video is not working.

The voiceover is a voiceover.

I and my family will be glued to the set, guaranteed. I can’t re-watch Buffy and Angel DVDs forever.

Sorry, I’m not buying this. It looks a little bit like several different things, but not exactly like anything. Not anything remotely mainstream, at least.

The same description, incidentally, could be said for Firefly, which was totally brilliant.

Anyway, the casting looks fantastic, the premise is interesting, and with Joss Whedon’s track record for creating interesting characters that are really the focus of his shows anyway, I predict something special. Who knows?

Retread of what exactly? Sure it’s in his style but I don’t think I’ve seen that type of story on TV before.

I’m looking forward to it. The concept may not be new, but JW usually manages a fresh take on it.