According to AICN, unless the two parter airing tonight and next Monday get good ratings, Journeyman will be cancelled by NBC.
What the fuck are they thinking? Ratings aside, with the writers’ strike, what do they have to REPLACE it with?
I’ve heard Are you stronger than a Dog and MILF Island are strong contenders for that slot.
Well, kidding aside, reality shows and game shows like they probably would fill the slot with ARE cheaper to make…but this season’s eps of Journeyman are ALREADY in the can. It would likely cost them more NOT to air them. Doesn’t make any sense at all.
What if the rock band Journey needed a new lead singer? That would be the basis of a great reality show. I don’t know what they would name it, though.
JourneyDude? JourneyGuy? Hmm…it’s right on the tip of my tounge.
They’ll put on reruns of Will & Grace or whatever they think will get higher ratings than a show that no-one’s watching. Airing something that no-one watches during Prime Time is financial suicide.
I am a big science fiction fan. That said, JM just doesn’t do it for me. I’ll probably watch all the remaining episodes.
Maybe they could bring the Black Donnelys back.
Ugh. Don’t remind me. I loved the Black Donnelys.
dumbass network people.
I like Journeyman. Apparently that’s unusual.
Seriously, I’ve seen it claimed that “none of the characters are likable” (in some webcomic that may have been indulging in exaggeration). I like them, maybe I’m just mad.
Then there’s the complaint that Dan never leaves San Francisco. :rolleyes: Yeah, & K-Ville never leaves Nawlins. They still have a lot of location work, & there’s still more going on visually in a show like that than in most TV shows, shot on soundstages. Yeah, it’s in one city; that highlights the contrast between decades.
Easy. They’d just call it Journey, man!
Crap. Maybe I should stop watching NBC Mondays at 10pm…I like the show, then it goes away (Studio 60, twitch twitch).