Okay, so when I had a roomate (and he was home), or anyone else over for that matter, I very rarely cooked for myself, because I tend to experiment, or make random combination of things in pans on the stove, etc., etc., etc…
You see, every time someone else is around, they feel like walking over and putting their face right over what I’m doing, gawking, and saying, “what is that?” or “… eh, what are you making?”
There are two kinds of negative reactions here, 1) the verbal “that looks disgusting!” reaction, which to me, is flat out rude (and usually made by one of my lesser intelligent male friends) or 2) the silent, “that looks interesting/perhaps disgusting” facial wrinkling, supplemented by a barely audible “huh” before they walk away.
Now, I don’t make anything that wierd — just not usual for a single, male guy in his 20’s, perhaps. Thinks like fish, or something in the crockpot, or my own spaghetti sauce, which is a different concoction of vegetables, meat, chicken, every single time.
My main question is whether or not the above reactions to my cooking one would consider to be rude. Personally, I find it extremely irritating, and it bothers me more than it should, but I just can’t help it.
Is this something you dopers do to others, or do you concur?