Jupiter's growing a new red spot

It’s probably not supposed to do that:

Probably due to global warming from greenhouse gas emmisions.

The teen years are the hardest on planets, especially ones that are already getting teased for being so-called “gas giants.” Asteroids can be so cruel.

And, of course, it’s all George Bush’s fault. :wink:

Better have that looked at.

Oh, heck. I KNEW I shouldn’t have pushed that red button labeled “Do Not Depress This Button” we have on the wall of the computer room.

I so apologize!

Nah, it’s “Jupiter have that looked at.” :smiley:

Unless you told the button that it was destined to be junked alone and unloved, never having known the gentle caress of the finger of someone who really understood it, I believe you are blameless.

I wonder what role, if any, the Comet Impact had on this. :cool:

That’s what happens when you get penetrated without protection.

Fool! Blame Clinton!

I did not have spots with that planet.

It better not be malignant…

I heard that recent findings of long-lost notes by scientific great Erich Van Daniken prove that the Polynesians predicted that Jupiter would eject another Venus-sized blob of planet, which will spin out of Jupiterian orbit and destroy the Earth on whatever day the Mayan calendar ends. This new planet will then become the New Earth, where life will begin anew, fresh, without the curse of humanity.

Buy your going-away gifts early.

A hot, wet compress should get that to come to a head.

Then we’ll have dozens of dopers in here wanting to squeeze it.
It’ll make that “butt-pimple video” barely worth viewing!

The Hell it will…if we see the Nemesis coming, lets nuke the ever loving crap out of it before it gets us. Try stealing Earth’s thunder when you’re swimming in Cobalt-Thorium G, you primordial alien bastards!

I bet a monolith is responsible.

something is going to happen. Something…wonderful.

Please! Please! Please! Let this happen! [tin foil hat] This is why they’re remaking When Worlds Collide! It’s to prepare us for when this happens![/tfh]

[Steve Martin] How many people here remember when the Earth blew up? [/SM]

Use Preparation A. Soothes sensitive areas and gets rid of asteroids.