Okay, test successful.
Yes, there was really a reason for that. It wasn’t just to stick out my tongue. I wanted to see if a smiley could be made into a link, all by itself. Obviously, it can. I’m not really sure if there’s a practical application, but it is interesting.
…and thus, the road of SDMB science moves on …
Oh, great. Now I’m going to be checking smilies to see if they’re links!
[sup]this smilie is not a link[/sup]
Worse than that, Arden.
Just imagine the kinds of links you could hide in a smilie.
On second thought, don’t. It’s just too vile to contemplate.
(The above smilie was not a link: Now we’re gonna have to put a disclaimer beside every smilie. Wonderful).
Um, well,I was just curious, really – these odd ideas just come to me sometimes – but I suppose I may have to apologize at some point for inadvertently giving the trolls and yo-yos yet another tool for their ignorance-spreading mischief. Sigh…
Let’s see if that works. (Note: The above smiley should be a link…)
Interestingly, initial spaces before a link get eaten, but terminal spaces don’t. The first test was a link of three spaces; the second, a link of a space, followed by a smiley, followed by a space.
The moral? If you’re going to link spaces, always do it with a smile-- er, if you’re going to link a smiley, always do it with a space.
Dammit, Cervaise!
That’s just evil!
You just put in four more spaces, and it works? Hmm…
Actually, the link I messed up was the second one … but 'sokay. Thanks, though.
man, this rocks! Cervaise, your “Perhaps” was absolutely hilarious! a masterpiece.
. i guess i’m gonna sniff every smiley from here on…and all the others that don’t read this thread would only be wondering why i look like a police dog in training…
( standard disclaimer : none of the smilies have links )
damn, i can almost see people playing “first person to find smilie with link wins” games…i need sleep
'nother test.