Perhaps I’m just feeling bitchy because I have a UTI and have to pee every ten minutes. Perhaps I was annoyed with myself for having to break down and go to Wal-Mart for the first time in two years (I had to go somewhere close because of the aforementioned UTI). Perhaps I’m just a little stressed with work. But it took all I had not to let the check-out guy have it.
I am the most polite person in the world to checkers. I say hello, smile, make conversation if they want to, say please and thank you, whatever. So I think I’m a little justified in my irritation.
Because of the UTI, I really needed to get some cranberry pills and some medication that’s on the market for a UTI that’s non-prescription. The last UTI I had turned into a kidney infection, which in turn sent me to the ER for a day. So I don’t take any chances. I would have gone to Target, but it’s about three miles down the road, and it was difficult to get to my CAR without having to dive for a ladies’ room, so Wal-Mart was my only real choice. (And yes, if it gets worse by this evening, I am going to the doctor to get antibiotics…)
So I picked up some cranberry pills, a packet of Uristat, and a few other items while I was there that we’ve been needing and wanting to get, but won’t need for a week or two at least - some Tylenol to keep in our home medicine cabinet, a basal thermometer to start charting ovulation, since we’re going to try for a kid soon, and two pregnancy tests on sale - since I’m on a form of bc that is continuous and doesn’t tell me if I’ve missed a period. So I do a test every so often just to be on the safe side upon recommendation of my doctor. I might as well get it while it’s on sale than go back and pay full price for it in two weeks.
So yes, this was an odd selection of items. But each of them have their place, and they aren’t all being used today. I made my way up to the express lane and put them on the belt for Mr. Checkout Man, who was around 50. He started ringing them up, and I could see the wheels working overtime in his mind. He rings up the last item, looks straight at me, and says in a rude tone “Well, that’s an interesting combination. Looks like it’s going to be fun in your house tonight!”
Ummm…whiskey tango foxtrot?
Fuck you, dude! First of all, I FEEL like shit and don’t need your comments on my purchases. Secondly, it’s none of your goddamn business what I buy! If I want to buy a fifth of whiskey and a pregnancy test at the same time, that’s my prerogative! You have no idea why I’m buying these items, and guess what? It’s none of your fucking business in the first place!
I have half a mind to go back, buy some wire coat hangers, go through his line again, and say something like “Oh, these are for that little problem I was buying the other stuff for.”.