Wow, accuse me of leading a sheltered life if you will, but I just this week learned of the (currently) fourth most popular American radio host, Mr. Art Bell.
I’ve read that Art is creeping up on Stern, Limbaugh, and Schlessinger (in terms of popularity) as well as having recently broken Larry King’s long-standing affiliate record of 400 stations.
His show originates for his trailer somewhere near Area 51 and is on the air begining at 10pm pacific time for four hours. Art hosts guests that discuss strange and usual topics such as remote viewing, ghosts, UFOs, reverse speech, pyramids, etc.
You can listen to his show live over the internet by accesing his webpage: (you need RealPlayer)
I just thought that if I hadn’t heard of him then maybe others hadn’t either and that they might be entertained by listening to his show.
Who here follows his show and what do you think of him? He is back tonight from hiatus (Hilly Rose has been guest-hosting) and this will be the first time that I’ve listened to him live.
I havent heard his show, but i have read some of the transcripts. I heard he often interviews Gordon Michael Scallion, the guy who predicted big earth-changes this decade (like actual beachfront property in Nevada). GMS even drew up these maps (that he charges for, you would think he would at least put them on the internet!). Anyway i think Art Bell is popular because of the content of his show - wierd stuff.
I’ve listened to Art Bell for awhile. But then I tuned out because some of his guest were just too out there. I have nothing against the guy, he makes a living talking weird stuff. But I don’t take him too seriously, just pure entertainment.
Beeruser is right. For a reasonably skeptical person Bell is a real hoot. The kooks he has on are very entertaining in a humorous and often tragic way. I sure wouldn’t trust an impressionable person to listen to this nonsense with safety, though. All of Bell’s questions are soft ball affirmations of whatever delusions the guest is selling. I pick it up when I’m in my car after 10:00 on the San Diego station KGO. For some eerie reason his is the only show that comes in clearly of that channel in L.A.
Art believes that all ideas have equal worth. Of course, when everything is worth the same, everything is worthless.
For a good time, call up Art and describe a flying saucer you just saw, then listen to all the people that saw the same saucer!
“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”
Hunter Thompson
I dont know, I do think the show is entertaining, and it is fun to listen to when you are going on long rides. but, I fear that too many people listen to the show without a skeptical ear. Which, seems like a bad thing, seeing that they have guests on that “sell” these ideas of worldwide changes… and then they also have ads for stored food, and flashlights to use when disaster strikes…
oh well…
i did listen to it last week and heard his guest host do some bad things. one day he told everyone in cincinatti to call the police because he couldnt figure out where his guest had gone… sure, great idea tell your radio audience to flood 911… no danger there.
then he reported that gang initiation email about lsd and strychnine on phones as something to watch out for…
oh well, i saw this thread and i figured this would be a good place to complain about those two things.
i guess i am just bitter today.
I used to listen to Bell quite a bit, but then I discovered critical thinking and I dumped him. Mr. Bell makes his living by pushing what is, for the most part, nonsense. Take my advice. Dump Art Belll and spend the time you used to use listening to him on reading books about good science, critical thinking, and logic. The real world is much more interesting than anything Bell or the majority of his guests have to say.
I’ve listened to Art for 2 years now(I work nights) and I find many of his shows to be very interesting. Some of the topics are very out there and more than a few of his guests(and people that call in) need to see a shrink. But, he lets other points of view, and a huge range of topics, be heard, even if they are hard to swallow. He never mocks them, as many talk show hosts do when confronted with similar ideas, he lets them present their ideas and, as he says almost every night, he expects his audience to use their own critical thinking skills and judge for themselves if the person was credible. Art is one of the best interviewers I’ve heard, either on TV or radio and I hope he can keep it up for many years…
Like the man says; don’t take life too seriously, you’ll never get out of it alive – Bugs Bunny
Thanks (I guess) for the advice. Did you ever listen to the sound clips from the show where they replay the Trumbull County (Ohio) 911 tapes? You know, they stat getting calls from freaked out citizens about a large object hovering over their homes. The cops and dispatchers are laughing and cracking jokes about it until they actually got check it out themselves and then the tone changes…they start chasing the object and they seem to be kinda freaked out…interesting stuff…just go to the Art Bell website and click on sound clips…look around and you’ll find it…
So that menace Bell is becoming a nuisance again. Perhaps the REGS should send CSM back to have a talk with him, perhaps suggesting a longer ‘hiatus’ this time.
It would be a pity if we had to have Vinnie interrupt his legitimate business activities to look into this Mr. Bell matter.
For those who are unfamiliar with it, Bell promoted the idea that a spaceship was following the comet that the Heaven’s Gate folks all killed themselves to hop a ride on. While it is possible that those folks would’ve found another reason to commit suicide, if he and his guests hadn’t been making that outlandish claim, we really can’t say what would’ve happened.
“It’s a very dangerous thing to believe in nonsense.” – James Randi
I’ll store that away for the next time I’m planning on watching an eclipse from Venus.
You find obscure planetary trivia exciting and I take an interest in unexplained events witnessed by hundreds of people and covered up by the US government. I read up on contrails and you memorize the periodic tables.
Let’s just say that “interesting” is subjective and leave it at that shall we?
P.S. I bet I’m a lot more fun a parties than you are!
I’ll store that away for the next time I’m planning on watching an eclipse from Venus.
You find obscure planetary trivia exciting and I take an interest in unexplained events witnessed by hundreds of people and covered up by the US government. I read up on contrails and you memorize the periodic table.
Let’s just say that “interesting” is subjective and leave it at that shall we?
P.S. I bet I’m a lot more fun a parties than you are!
wow, #3 for someone who has just started listening to the show you certainly have started to buy into alot of what it has to sell.
i have heard those tapes you speak of. i have also heard the comments about the spaceships that were accompanying the comet, and the guy that tried to kill the alien in washington. so, i think what i am saying is just take the show with a grain of salt. ok, not a grain of salt with a salt lick.
as art bell says its “entertainment”
Nah, not exactly a lot of it. For example, I don’t really believe in Ed Dames…he seems like a total faker to me…David Oates and reverse speech…no, not this time…
But hey, you do mention that you listened to the 911 tapes…so what did you think about that?
I have observed that some people are just to cowardly or intellectually snobish to admit that they might be interested in UFOs, and other unexplained happenings. Go ahead…poke fun at me…I don’t care… I’m secure enough to allow myself to check these things out and to ponder them.
Yeah, those cops and 911 operators were laughing too…making jokes about the frightened and excited folks that were watching a large object hovering silently over their homes…that is until they checked it out themselves…then they were frightened and bewildered themselves…hmmm…has Cecil or any of you for that matter totally debunked extraterrestrial crafts?
If you just came out of the dark.president clinton stated in an open forum that bill cooper was the most dangerious thlk show host in the country to find out why he has a program m-f on 7.415 mhtz shortwave from 7-9 eastern timeor alex johnes 9.400mhtz at 2pm eastern
I love the way you take a claim made by either Bell or one of his on-air nuts and transform it into fact.
Of course “interesting” is subjective. But one can be interested in a topic without leaving behind critical thinking.
Why? Because you believe in government conspiracies and aliens? Frankly, I see no connection between believing in nonsense and being fun at a party. Having gone out to dinner with two of the staunchest skeptics in the world (Penn & Teller), I can firmly state that I’m sure they are a lot more fun at parties than you are.
“It’s a very dangerous thing to believe in nonsense.” – James Randi