I told them that I would not donate or vote for a party that wants to cut from social security and medicare benefits, that such a party that hurts my parents and other old people that way is something I’m not in favor of, but against. The very nice lady said that she understood.
Thanks for sharing.
Mail came a half hour ago, mostly junk, though. Think there was a coupon for the Zoo.
Thanks for sharing
I’m wearing socks.
Thanks for pairing.
I’ve never understood why any smurf but Smurfette needs socks, since they all wear leggings.
It’s not leggings, it’s a tan line :eek:
The socks go under the leggings to soak up the sweat and smelliness. Living in the forest it can get kind of humid.
Earlier today, or maybe yesterday, I saw a commercial on TV for one of those Cash 4 Gold places.
Good reply: “I’m a Canadian citizen, ma’am. Please remove me from your list as I cannot vote in the US.” click
Better reply: “Lo siento. No habla ingles, senora.” click
Best reply: “I’m a non-voting felon!” Then start singing *Hide yo kids, hide yo wife *until she hangs up.
Thanks for airing.
A few years ago, I told my boss that, if he kept being a prick, one day I just wouldn’t show up. “You wouldn’t dare,” he said.
I didn’t show up for work.
Thanks for daring.
I tried on a new shirt today!
Thanks for wearing!
Once I went out of my way to NOT hit a dog while I was driving.
Thanks for caring!
I came back, to see how my thread was “faring” and find it hijacked. Won’t anyone think of the children?
There was an accident today right outside my workplace, where a car had hit a pole. I didn’t have anything to do and was really bored, so I just looked at the firemen for a long, long time. Mmm, firemen.