Just watched the latest "The Office", is that actually Scranton?

In the most recent “The Office” they are on the roof throwing watermelons onto a trampoline.

Anyway, there are some pretty good shots of the surrounding area/countryside. Is that actually Scranton, PA?


They’ve never done taping in Scranton, PA. I’ve read local papers that go out of their way, almost bitterly, to make this point. The town would love for them to come out and visit, and as a bonus, actually record some footage.

Often times, you can spot vegetation native to the West coast in their outdoor shots. Kinda ruins it for me. Fake cold ruins it, too.

Just to add that Scranton was the first US town I ever visited, I was doing consulting work for ICS, and I loved it! It is very scenic, full of very nice people, and so quintessentially American (at least what I think of as American), that I have never forgotten it.