Just what was up with them Duke boys?

So the other day I’m sick from work and I’m channel surfing and the Dukes of Hazzard are on, so I watch the end of the episode. (It ended with a car chase, believe it or not.)

Anyway, while watching this masterpeice of Southern drama, I was wondering:

  1. What did Boss Hogg have against the Dukes, anyway? They didn’t ever seem to do anything illegal or even particularly irritating.

  2. If Boss Hogg did want to arrest them, why didn’t Roscoe just go out to the Duke place and arrest them? Surely to God they knew where the Dukes lived.

Off to IMHO.

Well, let’s see… They’re “making their way the only way they know how/ And that’s just a little bit more than the law allows”, they’re redneck hicks, and (most importantly), they have a still in the backyard. They weren’t being subtle here, folks!

But, Chronos, “they’re just good old boys, never meaning no harm.”

And Rickjay, “they’ve been in trouble with the law since the day they were born.”

I’m guessing multiple traffic violations.

Wasn’t there some kind of grudge between Boss Hogg and Uncle Jesse?

Boss Hogg and Uncle Jesse used to run moonshine together, along with most of the other old geezers in town. There were references made to a rivalry between them over who was better at evading the law.

As for the boys, in the very first episode (I still can’t believe I know this), we learn that they were arrested running moonshine for Uncle Jesse. As a plea bargain, UJ signed a treaty with the federal government that he would stop making moonshine, and the boys would just be given probation. Said probation including rules like the boys never leaving the county w/o permission and never using firearms (hence the dynamite arrows).

I’m leaving before I embarrass myself.

Yeah, but not before you embarrass me.

I haven’t seen the show since its original run and, up until now, I’ve been able to avoid the Dukes of Hazzard threads here, but everything you said sounds right. Oh god, why did you remind me of all this??? It’s all coming back, in waves, like nausea…

Straightenin’ the curves / FLattenin’ the hills
Someday the mountain will get them / But The Law never will

I knew the moonshine answer as well. And why would that be pathetic? C’mon guys, a series with car chases 70% of the time, with each commercial break being announced by a Dodge Charger hanging in mid air as it’s jumping over Moldy Beaver Creek? It just doesn’t get any better than that.

The General Lee can take on KITT any day of the week, I tells ya.

Oh, and another true asset to the show. Two words, lads: Daisy Duke. Which 12 year old kid wasn’t in love with Daisy?

I remember a poster that compared KITT to the General Lee (favorably) that came out around the time Knight Rider came out. Thought it was kinda cheesey even at the time.

As a 12 year old girl I wasn’t in love with Daisy. I wanted to grow up and be Daisy.

Luckily when I got older I realized her life wasn’t all that great. She worked in a bar. She was constantly being sexually harassed. And, she only got to drive the car when the boys got themselves in trouble.

I still find it hard to believe that two good ol’ boys who knew the back roads of Hazzard County like the backs of their hands would forget that damn bridge being out. It’s out EVERY DAMN WEEK. What the hell?

Oh yes, and what about that damn road crew out fixing the roads all the time? Couldn’t they get around to fixing that damn bridge?

Oh yeah, and Coldy, have you seen Catherine Bach lately? How to put this delicately… some people shouldn’t wear Daisy Duke shorts, and unfortunately, the original Daisy Duke isn’t one of them anymore…

Noooooooooo!! :frowning:

I think that one of the reasons Boss Hogg was always so mad at the Dukes is because in almost every episode, they played some role in thwarting one of his money making schemes. Of course, the Duke boys also ended up saving Boss Hogg’s butt in a lot of episodes too…usually, the plot would involve the “real” bad guys who were working for Boss on some scheme, and they would try to double cross Boss, somehow both Boss and the Dukes would find themselves in a bad predicament and the bad guys eventually ended up in the hoosegow. The difference between Boss/Rosco and their criminal associates was that Boss never really wanted to kill or maim anyone, but sometimes his trained help were a little trigger happy. The guy who later played Mr. Belding on Saved by the Bell was one of those bad guys in one episode…he was a bank robber or something. Boss and Rosco were the “loveable rogues”…they were basically a clown routine.

Just imagine what it must be like to grow up with a name like “Enos Strate”.

In real life, Sorrell Booke (the actor who played Boss Hogg) was a studious, erudite man who had a Master’s degree in Fine Arts from Yale. (so did “The Fonz”)

Wanted to hijack this a bit, along with the above poster. I have met both Catherine Bach and James Best. Bach in Hazard, Kentucky (of all places?), doing a personal appearance. I had competed in a charity 10K, was still in mufti with my number pinned on. Although not a big fan of the show, I walked over to say hi. She was gracious, and we chatted for a few moments about running. At the time, she was in great shape, and ran. Nice lady.

Met James Best at a Film Convention, and he truly was/is (like Sorrel Booke), a soft-spoken man of erudition and wit. As I recall, our conversation centered around “The Wild Bunch” and Peckinpah, and the numerous “Twilight Zone” episodes he had been in.
To the OP. As a true southerner, I could never get past the obvious California hills in the background of most shots.

Sir Rhosis

What happened to Daisy Duke? I just saw Coldfire’s link and man, she has gained! But, I have to say kudos for not doing the typical and liposuctioning the whole thing. That would be easy to do. And considering the fact that she is older than my mother, she looks pretty darn good.

Well, Catherine Bach had a kid back in 1996. And she hasn’t been working much (professionally, I mean) lately, so I guess she figures she may as well take seconds on the gravy.

She never seemed like the Hollywood type; more of an intelligent version of a girl-next-door. I can’t picture her choosing to have cosmetic surgery. Perhaps she could take on the Boss Hogg role in the next Reunion Special?

Still…sigh…I agree with Coldfire…we should have put her in a Cryogenic freezer back around 1980…kept her on ice until future generations of scientists develop an elixir that preserves sculpted thighs and shapely calves throughout eternity.

Well, obviously Krzyzewski used Battier to lift the Devils past all the other comers and bring home the title.

What gets me is that with Forte leaving the Heels, the ACC is facing ANOTHER year of no real challenges for this past season’s champs. It’s getting kinda tiresome seeing the Devils on the top of the standings every week. 'Course I’m just a lowly Pack fan so all I really can do is gripe…


I was never a Dukes of Hazzard fan, although my cousins and I used to try to climb in the car windows all the time (WHY did they do that?)

I saw though, the E Special on the Dukes of Hazzard, and does anyone agree that the two main characters-don’t remember their names-are better looking now? In kind of an older, roguish Harrison Ford way?