When K-Y Intense came out a few years ago, we had a thread about it and its internet advertising campaign. I bought some, and it turned out to be one of those products that lived up to its hype. We used it sparingly. But, conscious that the suuply was finite, I started looking for it in the stores again.
Only I can’t find it – it’s gone from the stores around here. When I turn to the internet, I find some sites that list it, and at $20 a container. But some – eBay and Amazon - have it listed for $50 or even $100 a 0.34 container!!
This is how people behave with products that are scarce, often discontinued. I don’t see it listed on the K-Y product page. On the other hand, I can’t find any stories on the internet about the product being halted, or recalled, or anything. Or anything where people observe that the product has disappeared. If it HAS disappeared, it’s been happening quietly. Are those webpages listing it at $20 “legacy” pages from the past that haven’t yet been erased or updated?
(K-Y HAS recalled lubricants – which Intense isan’t – in the p;ast. Here’s a report from 2013:
Anybody know anything about this? Has anybody else noticed this? I’ve contacted K-Y through their website, but haven’t heard anything back from them yet.
Yes. I’ve been looking over the ingredients of similar products, and menthol is pretty common. Also peppermint. Intense contained neither of these – it had niacin, tocopherol, and oil of evening primrose (that sounds like an ingredient straight out of a romance novel. Maybe that’s why it’s there). Some reviews make a big deal about there being no paraben, which seems to be in a lot of the others, as well. Nothing I['ve looked at seems to have a similar formulation.
And the people at K-Y didn’t say why it had been taken off the market. Seems odd, considering the interesting internet advertising they gave it.
Well, under no circumstances ever allow cinnamon oil anywhere near the more sensitive areas of your skin. I speak from experience. OMFG, not an nettism I use often or lightly.
(Was 15. Was making super-intense cinnamon toothpicks, a fad at my high school. Got a little itch in the lower central zone. Scratched. Spent ten minutes in the shower trying not to scream…)
But I suppose a tad of something active is nice. Never tried it.
Ah, Grasshopper, you have done this to yourself…you liked a product, and the gods who control such matters saw to it that production stopped immediately. This phenomenon was discussed at length here. It’s an old, sad story…
Huh. I tried taking niacin for high cholesterol before going to a prescription drug. Ever had a “niacin flush”? It feels like being close to a heat lamp or desert sunshine all over your body and is kinda nice. I’ve wondered if the effect could be used for hypothermia.
WOW…I take niacin too, a while back the doctor said to stop since it was not working. I stopped and then my fingers began to peel! All the way down.
I told the doctor. No response but I am still taking them. Peeling fingers is not something I want to continue to have!
Niacin flush? Guess I will have to look that up!
This happens to many many things that I like and are popular! I thought it was only an individual phenomenon
Cinnamon toothpicks were all the rage in our jr high. I still like hot cinnamon
I’ve tried a version of KY but it didn’t work. I’d like something that works-so menthol eh? I’ve thought something comparably hot would do “something” down there!
At the KY Industries new product development laboratories, do they have a team of testers whose job is to have random substances spread on their junk and report what it feels like?
A team of engineers in white coats walks into a room of pantless testers. The lead tester barks out orders “OK. Grab the niacin and spread it on your test area. Good. How does that feel?” “Aahhh. Yeah. That’s the stuff.” “OK. Next spread the cinnamon oil.” “Eeeek! Kill! I’m going to strangle you, father raper!” “OK, let’s take a lunch break.”
An hour later they reassemble in the room. The tester barks out “OK. Next try the hydrochloric acid…”
It’s neither “something hot” nor a lube. It billed itself as an “arousal gel for her” (so I don’t have firsthand experience of the effect) It does seem to serve as a sexual wakeup call, but not through the stimulation of heat, cold, or stinging response.
From what I remember, the niacin dilates your surface capillaries. So you get flushed and experience a warm sensation. I wonder if this makes the nerves more sensitive.