I suppose it’s possible that I missed this being discussed in one of the other threads, but now he’s trying to pull the “Uno reverse-card” and say that he’s agreed to a September 4th debate with Harris to be moderated by Fox News.
And he’s trying to play it as “she’s chickenshit if she doesn’t show up”. Sadly, from what I see on Facebook, that talking point is taking roots (granted, with his “base” so far, but we know how good they are at planting seeds of bullshit).
One great counterpoint I saw made is that there’s nothing about a September 4th debate on Fox’s own website.
Why should the fact that Fox is moderating make such a difference? Harris can still say "Fine, I’ll debate on Fox, as long as the standard conditions apply–turning off microphones, etc.
She can also say, “I’ll gladly appear on Fox, with its full panel of journalists, as long as I also bring just one journalist of my own, who will ask Trump and myself identical questions. That’s perfectly fair, and if Trump refuses, then he is a loser and a coward”.
Then when Trump refuses, go full coverage with campaign ads calling Trump a loser and coward.
Kamala should not, under any circumstances, debate trump on Fox News. Besides that she would be capitulating to him, Fox would make her look bad any way they could.
I think she is strong enough to hold her own in any debate setting that is even remotely fair (and it can be arranged so that Faux News meets that standard).
If she refuses to debate him just because the circumstances don’t fit her pre-ordained preferences, exactly how is she better than Trump?
I don’t think Kamala is scared to debate Trump anywhere, including Fox News.
The thing is, there is no Fox News debate. Trump made it up. She has no obligation to indulge Trump’s weird fantasies where Fox tips the scales in his favor.
And Trump is the one being the coward here. Come on Trump, the last time you debated a candidate he dropped out! And that was a CNN debate where you were basically bound and gagged! Don’t tell me you’re having… performance issues.
Trump’s proposal isn’t anywhere near “remotely fair”. He essentially wants her to come to a maga rally so he can yell at her for two hours. It’s not even something Fox News has suggested - the closest it approaches to reality is a months-old proposal they sent to the Trump and Biden campaigns proposing a debate in Pennsylvania on September 17th, two weeks AFTER what Donald has “agreed” to. It’s not a serious proposal, it’s just the deranged ramblings of a sad old man.
Earlier this evening, “#TrumpIsACoward” was one of the top trends on Trump’s own website. He has no credibility calling anyone else a coward.
If all it takes to get someone to go against their better judgment is trump calling them a “coward”, then they haven’t watched Back To The Future, Pt II.
But that’s exactly the kind of thing the Trump side says. Pre-emptively claiming “oh, it won’t be fair so we won’t do it” is what the Trump side uses for a reason when they don’t want to debate.
That’s why I’ve suggested elsewhere that a neutral broadcaster (my suggestion was the BBC) host and moderate any debate. I’ll add to that: the debate does not take place in the US. If the BBC is hosting and moderating, London would be the logical place; but so as to not upset the candidates with at least five hours of jet lag, a location in Canada might be suitable. As before, no audience and silenced microphones.
This way, Trump has no audience to play to and no friendly moderators, nor a friendly network. He can get his message out without cheers from his fans, who would not be there in an arena setting. As can Harris, of course.
They have it; “Trump has already agreed to a debate on September 10th. If he wishes to have additional debates we can discuss it after he makes good on his agreement.”
I think it’s unfair to hold Democrats to a higher standard that Trump in all things and all ways.
And has Trump preemptively accused ABC of bias, or given any excuse for why he’s backing out of the debate he already agreed to? If he’s worried about it, why did he agree to those rules, and that forum, in the first place?
ABC didn’t suddenly become biased two weeks ago. Something else changed. ABC should release the correspondence with Trump’s campaign where he agreed to the debate, and hold it at the time and place agreed to. Put an empty lectern on one side of the stage if need be.
Therre is no neutral broadcaster; or to be more specific, there is no broadcaster that Trump will not accuse of bias if he thinks it’s in his interest to do so.
And I’ll repeat my question from the preceding post; has Trump actually accused ABC of bias as an excuse for backing out of their debate?