Karl Rove new White House deputy chief of staff

It gets better:

from the Washington Post

Now there was little doubt before about how much influence he had. Now it’s official. I think this can put to rest any claims Bush might have made about being a “uniter”. It’s no secret that Rove is despised by political opponents. When you name someone who is such a lightening rod to such a position, you’re demonstrating very clearly what you think of those who disagree with you. Will Rove’s official role make the administration more hard-line now that he has foreign policy influence too (as if he didn’t before)?

Someone’s got to find ways to fully leverage the President’s “political capital.” Rove can take two political pennies and breed a third by rubbing them together, so it makes sense from the Oval Office perspective.

I agree that this helps give lie to the old “uniter” line. But that’s been dead for years, AFAICT.

I think this is a very calculated move, and one which will pay off in spades for the Administration and its agenda. And yes, it will piss people off. But the President doesn’t care–as long as he gets done what he thinks is best, that’s all that matters. And Rove is the one to get things done, much as I hate it.