Kaspersky doesn't want me to go there

Since installing Kaspersky Internet protection on my computer, replacing the once-swift, now-plodding suite that had replaced the Norton bloatware, I’ve generally been pleased with it.

There is one quirk, though: For certain URLs Kaspersky refuses to let me go to the site. What I get when I click on a link is this message:

Note that the site it blocked was Craigslist, which should be mainstream enough to pass Kaspersky’s filters.

Any idea what’s going on? Any suggestions for how (or whether) to override it? My security level is set to Kaspersky’s default, which is medium-level.

I only run KAV, not KIS, but I would check the anti-banner list for any of those words in the address. “Craigslist” itself might me in there or possible “geo” or “iso”

Try shutting down anti-banner also, I guess.

Update -

Igor says it is the parental control feature. Shut it off. Igor knows his stuff.

It works! Thanks!

I went mildly nutso today, when it wouldn’t let me into my bank’s webpage. Fer crissakes, Citizens Bank is not a cesspit of porn and malware!

That I know of, anyway. :wink:

I toodled around in Kaspersky and found a way to file the bank’s homepage address in a list of “don’t worry” URLs, but when I then tried going to Citizens’ website the page opened in safe mode and I couldn’t navigate anywhere else at that site. So I turned off Kaspersky, hit the refresh button, and then it worked just fine.

Curiously enough, once I’d turned Kaspersky back on, gone offline, then gone online again, it would open the Citizens homepage, and all pages linked off it, in full – as long as it was done in Firefox, my default browser. Trying it in Safari or IE before listing the URL as approved had produced the “forbidden” message; trying now produced the safe-mode page, unless I turned off Kaspersky, opened the website, etc.

So it would appear that, even with parental control enabled, the software is capable of learning that a by-default forbidden site can be allowed in full. But THANK YOU AGAIN for showing me the way to fix this feature/bug. Being the only individual in this household with opposable thumbs,* I’d say it’s safe to proceed with parental controls turned off.

  • Although the new kitten’s double paws do look alarmingly like thumbs… :eek: