Rather than resurrect this old thread, I thought we could start anew. The last show was July 23, so the 6 week tournament marathon is over. Any bets on how long Ken will last? Will he have become soft after a long vacation? I actually have a question that someone might know the answer to: when were the upcoming episodes taped? Or are they starting the taping tomorrow?
Taping was going on a couple weeks ago, according to a classmate of mine who knows Ken. If I can find out from this guy how long Ken was gone and if he is going back, I might (conceivably) have some major spoilage (with the appropriate black box of course)
As for (unsubstantiated) speculation, I think Ken will be a bit rusty, but will pick things back up quickly. He will soon beat that Tic-Tac-Dough record, but after that, who knows? I think he may have a couple close calls the first few games.
Jeopardy! shows are normally taped two to four months before they are broadcast.
I think the other players had better hope he’s rusty.
Since the local station airs Jeopardy! at 3 or 3:30pm, and I’m NOT quite interested enough to record it, I haven’t seen the show much lately (they also air old shows 5pm on Saturdays). I was excited to see Ken in action, but, alas, it is the channel that is airing theLabor Day telethon.
In Chicago it will be on after the 10PM news.
Why would he be rusty? Wouldn’t he have been studying and practicing hard? Or is that not his thing?
That’s very much his thing. It’s airing here at 7:30 ET. I’m eager to watch! I’ll post a boxed spoiler.
Quite frankly, I’m a little tired of him. I mean, good for him and all, historic game show events and all that, but this over seven weeks straight of him is causing me to not care any more about my once favorite show.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see the producers pull some really oddball subjects out of their asses to try to stump him.
Nothing against you personally, Ken. Just give us back our Jeopardy.
Ah, good. I think it airs tonight at 7 here, but I’m not sure. I’ll try to watch it if possible. Wouldn’t it be bizarre if he lost the very first game?
Arse! Alex forgot to give the answer to Final Jeopardy. The answer was something along the lines of “This comic book ran from 1941-1971 and was the topic of Somebody Named Jones talk at the Library of Congress in 2002” Obviously, I am paraphrasing. My guess was TinTin. Superman is wrong, as is Ken’s guess, which I have managed to forget. Does anyone know the right answer?
He did give the answer. I didn’t think so at first until I found this.
Classic Comics was the name of the title.
Never mind. Found it on another board. The answer is “What is Classic Comics?” apparently.
For those who have yet to wath, I will use a big black:
[spoiler] Ken made some uncharacteristically high wagers today. First on a daily double he bet something like $4,000 out of $6,000 and won. Then $5000 out of $15000 and lost. Then in final Jeopardy he did what few people even thougt possible. He wagered everything except the money needed to mathamatically ensure victory. He lost, and ended up with $10,001. Could be an interesting season.
It just about gave me a heart attack seeing Ken risk so much on F.J. I don’t thing he has ever done that before.[/spoiler]
For those who have yet to wath, I will use a big black:
[spoiler] Ken made some uncharacteristically high wagers today. First on a daily double he bet something like $4,000 out of $6,000 and won. Then $5000 out of $15000 and lost. Then in final Jeopardy he did what few people even thougt possible. He wagered everything except the money needed to mathamatically ensure victory. He lost, and ended up with $10,001. Could be an interesting season.
It just about gave me a heart attack seeing Ken risk so much on F.J. I don’t thing he has ever done that before.[/spoiler]
What was the answer to Final Jeopardy tonight (Monday)?
I missed it thanks to people talking to me when it was said. grumbles
Sounds like he’s looking to play a little more fast and loose now - bigger money and bigger risks. Could be interesting.
I wonder whether he’s just tired of it by now. With more than a half-million dollars after taxes, he might feel like he just wants to collect it and be done with it.
That would be some producer who tried to undermine the one guy who has given them their best ratings in years.
As opposed to you, I never watched Jeopardy, but I probably haven’t missed one since he won about his 20th. And I’ll probably stop watching after he loses.
What’s the Tic-Tac-Dough record?