
Can anyone think of instances where they have seen a character on a television show or in a movie who is identified as being from Kentucky, but is not an ignorant hick?

In case it wasn’t clear, THE DUKES OF FREAKING HAZZARD is NOT an acceptable answer to this question.

The one example that jumps to mind was during a series of ESPN commercials which parodied the “Dogs Playing Poker” painting. One of the dogs was identified as being from Kentucky, and he was actually quite literate.

Man, look how far down the barrel I’ve got to scrape to find an example.

“The Dukes of Hazzard” was not only populated by ignorant hicks, but actually took place in Georgia.

“ER”'s Doug Ross was originally from Kentucky (as is George Clooney). That’s the only one I can think of off the top of my head.

Dr. J

If I recall correctly, Roy Scheider’s Dr. Heywood Floyd in 2010: The Year We Make Contact, was from Kentucky. The Soviet commander called it Kentuck-yeh, and Dr. Floyd explained what comes from there: basketball, racehorses and whisky.

All of my in-laws were from Murray Kentucky, and prided themselves on being hicks.

They quoted from Mark Twain, like it was Shakespeare.

They never had a sentence with all the words fully pronounced.

They forced me to eat red-eye gravy and grits and okra.

Fie on Kentucky!

Nope. Can’t think of any. But I’m posting to your thread in hopes of a Driver 8 reprise. :wink:

Wow. Quite a revelation. I – and I’m sure many people – assumed it was in Kentucky seeing as how there’s a Hazard county in Kentucky. I feel much better!

How could I say no?

You know, I think he was just explaining the origin of the booze that he snuck on board.

Ah the Bluegrass state. A native described it to me as the “land of beautiful horses and Fast women” with a wink.

Too far from the beach for me, but Daniel Boone reportedly loved it.

::smacks self on forehead::
Snoooopy, I think you’re right. Thanks for the clarification.

I guess Kentucky is stuck with poker-playing dogs and Twain-spoutin’ bumpkins. Maybe they can take pride in the knowledge that Chuck Yeager’s from West Virginny or thereabouts. Some mountain boys make good.

[In the best Robert Duvall voice I can muster]: Daniel don’t surf!

Just to be anal, there is a Hazard, Kentucky, but it is in Perry County. (I grew up about 50 miles from there.) There is no Hazard County, let alone one with two “Z”'s.

Counties vs. cities in KY are not easy to keep straight–Mckee is in Jackson County, and Jackson is in Breathitt County. Newport is in Campbell County, Campbellsville is in Taylor County, and Taylorsville is in Spencer County. Richmond is in Madison County, Madisonville is in Hopkins County, and Hopkinsville is in Christian County. West Liberty is way to the east of Liberty. Until recently, Bourbon County was dry, while Christian County was wet.

Oh, the humanity!

Dr. J

A few. As mentioned by DrJ:

George Clooney (originally born in Columbus, Ohio, but raised in northern KY) and his father Nick.
Lee Majors (Harvey Lee Yeary) (born in Michigan, but raised in Middlesboro (which is at the southern tip of the state, not in the “middle” of anything)
Larry Flynt
Johnny Depp
Victor Mature
Dwight Yoakam
Tommy Kirk
James Best (a fine actor who just happened to be in “The Dukes of Hazzard”)
(novelist) Madison Smartt Bell (I think)
Me (who finished 11th and 12th out of 902 entries in the 2000 Writer’s Digest screenplay competition): Well, hopefully that’s not as good as it gets.

And some mountain girls too:

Rosemary Clooney
Leslie Parrish
Sean Young
Bobbie Ann Mason
(I think) Florence Henderson

Of course, I’m leaving off several celebrities (C/W singers with bad rat-tail haircuts, etc), so as not to be too embarrassed.

Back to the OP: Nope, can’t recall a Kentuckian being portrayed positively.

Sir Rhosis, from California, KY, which is north of London, Paris and Versailles.

Sir Rhosis, I bet they pronouce it “Ver say lees”. :wink:

(Former Arkansan)


WRONG!!! Why do you all think we’re a buncha hicks down heayh.

It’s pronounced: Ver-SALES.

I’ll get back with you dreckly.

Serious as a heart attack. That’s how it’s pronounced.


Get out. My husband is from Murray, KY. I spent the longest Christmas vacation of my life there. One weekday morning, I swear on the 3 radio stations you can get there, 2 were playing NASCAR races (on the radio) and the other had Paul Harvey. Yeesh.
Seriously though, it’s a nice little town as long as you’re not overly fond of having things to do.

Yep, it’s vur-SAYLES. I heard a story once that the pronunciation was a deliberate act of defiance against the French, in response to some act of the French government. I’ve never heard it again, despite asking about it in GQ once.

Then again, we also have AY-thens and CAY-ro, so who knows.

Dr. J

I think Jennifer from WKRP in Cincinnati (played by Loni Anderson) was from Kentucky. I don’t know if she qualifies as a non-hick.

Sir Rhosis, how could you forget Hunter S. Thompson and Loretta Lynn?

Peyote Coyote,

The great writer Hunter S. Thompson (played on film by Johnny Depp!), I plead guilty to omitting. Likewise, Annie Potts.

Loretta Lynn?! Okay, yes, she did play an instrumental role in “women in country music,” but I just can’t get past that “wedding night” scene from “Coal Miner’s Daughter”: “Loretta, Goddammit, you’re s’posed to let me!”

OKAY, FINE: I left off Billy Ray Cyrus, Kenny Chesney, The Osborne Brothers, and the late Jim Varney (actually a very intelligent man, I hear, who just chose or was stereotyped into hick roles).

And my wife (who just happens to be sitting here next to me, barefoot and wearing a flannel nightgown).
