"KHAAAAN!!!!!" Kirk was deliberately overacting?

Every one knows the famous line from Wrath of Khan where Kirk screams “KHAAAAAAANNNNN!!!” I had always thought that was just another example of William Shatner’s hammy acting, until I watched it again recently. See what you think of my theory:

Capt. Kirk was deliberately overacting in that scene. Kirk knew that Spock would be back to rescue them, so he was trying to sell to Khan that he really truly believed he was being buried alive.

Yeah? Yeah?

Nah. That was just full-throttle Kirk in action. That is to say Shatner wasn’t overacting any more than usual.

I think it was NIcholas Meyer.

Actually, I think that Kirk was trying to goad Khan into coming down Regula, so that they could settle it mano a mano. Kirk figured that Khan’s crew would pretty much give up if Khan got killed, and if Khan killed Kirk, then Khan wouldn’t be all that interested in going after the Enterprise.

If you study the film closely (and I recommend listening to the director’s commentary, since he describes how he got decent performances out of Shatner), you’ll notice that it’s a study in contrasts. You see Saavik offer a suggestion, and get slapped down by Spock, but not Kirk. When Khan’s “side kick” offers a suggestion, Khan slaps him down.

That Kirk was overacting is pretty much the only explanation. He’s reacting to Khan’s promise to leave him inside Regula 1 - but he knows the Enterprise isn’t as wounded as Khan thinks it is. It’s an empty threat. He’s just trying to draw Khan down.

Unfortunately, it isn’t very well edited.

Well…, there was supposed to be some anger shown. A fellow officer had just fried himself, scientists aboard the space station had been tortured to death, we saw evidence of Khan’s callous mind control technique, and Khan thought he was burying him alive. So, even tho Kirk knew they would be rescued in a little while, he had plenty to vent real anger over.

Therefore, NOT Kirk overacting.

Still leaves it open for Shatner overacting, though.

The first time I saw it, I thought it was Shatner chewing scenery. Knowing about the ruse, when I watch the film I think it’s Kirk. Knowing about the ruse while not watching the film, I think it’s Shatner.

You can check out this very scene repeatedly:


Considering how bloodless and bland later Star Trek actors would be, it was good to see a genuine moment of sheer fury and frustration, and this is how I prefer to view this scene. Kirk was trying to goad Khan down to Regula with that “poor marksman” stuff, but when Khan avoids the stereotypical villian thing and simply declares victory (later in the movie, Khan would fall back into line in this regard), Kirk can’t handle it and has a fairly understandable blowing of the lid.

It’s a good scene in a great movie. I don’t think analyzing it serves any purpose.


Or cut bait?


Or cut bait?

Did you get hit by a car, too? :stuck_out_tongue:

I just assumed that Kirk was really, really pissed.

NCB: I was going to send Aes an ENT calendar, but maybe he’d like some parasitic air fresheners more.

Wouldn’t you?

Viva, send him that book of short stories!
Serious. He needs three copies.


Hey! ;j If a few of us PayPal you a little bit each, maybe we can get him something really nice. How about it? You’re very good at appropriate gift finding. And I’m good at PayPal-ing.

If you accept this mission, maybe we should start a new thread for it.

I’ve got something for AES, Does he like Next Gen?
Any way,
I love the KAAAHHHHNNNN! I really do and I think for the film it is the best choice.

Kirk had been walking around feeling old at the start of the film. Then his ‘life’ catches up to him. A bastard son, who btw wants to kill him, an old enemy he gallantly left on a planet, his I’m Jame T. Kirk baby, I don’t need no stinking sheilds attitude, all of this comes back and kicks him in the nuts. Plus Kirk does not know he is going to be rescued or that the Enterprise is OK. It should be but it is not a certainty. The primal scream snaps Kirk out of his coma and we get to see the real Kirk in his next scene when he explains how to beat the no win senario. When he opens up the communicator and says “It’s been two hours are you ready?” is the way Kirk we all know and the entire film is about his journey from saying "I feel old’ at the beginning to saying “I feel young” at the end. The scream is an important part of the that journey.

I’ve got something for AES, Does he like Next Gen?


Not so much; he likes characters more than series(es?), but I’m sure he would appreciate anything Trekkish.

I say the “KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!” was perfectly appropriate and executed.

OK, so it sounds like we’re about 50/50 as to whether it was Kirk deliberately overacting or Shatner doing his normal thing.

Oh, OK then. Mods, please delete this thread. :rolleyes:

(Possible movie mistake)

Was Kirk chewing gum in that scene or did Shatner have a temporary crown in his mouth?

Check out the link and check out his lower-back teeth in the left side of his mouth.

Jeez… I’ve played that scene now over a hundred times. I’m surprised my ears and eyes aren’t bleeding!

My Vote is that Kirk had had enough by that time. This has to be the worst day of his life and then Khan goes and rubs his nose in it. I think it was a moment of extreme frustration brought to a primal scream.

Look at the build up.

Kirk is attacked from behind by this curly haired Nancy boy. Only a second later he finds out the wimp with the pen knife is his son. Before that can sink in Terrell and Chekov turn on him.

Unarmed Weenie boy leaps at them letting his fellow scientist take a phaser blast (Say aside from the Klingon Disrupter in III isn’t this the last time we see a federation phaser actually vaporize a person?) Now Kirk has to wonder if it is his fault the kid is dead. I mean Kirk wasn’t there to raise his meatball child and teach him phaser etiquette. (never charge unarmed at a guy with a phaser aimed at you especially if your friend is behind you and will likely take the blast if you escape)

Then He finds out Khan has tricked him yet again.

“Ha ha Kirk you fell for that stupid we escaped line. I mean they told you that I put creatures in their vodies that made them tell lies! What were you thinking man? That is why Evil will always win, because good is stupid.”

So now Kirk’s thinking, “My son is a useless boob and I look like a tool because I was outmanoeuvred again.”

He tries one last desperate attempt to show he is all man by offering to meet Khan in the playground at 3:00 for a rumble. Instead Khan reminds him that he has been beating him all day long and is enjoying it far too much to risk having another wrench to the back of the head. He knows Kirk is a big cheater.

What’s left for Kirk but a lusty scream of “KHAAAAAAAAAAAAN!”

Nah. Riker makes Yuta go poof in the third-season TNG episode “The Vengeance Factor”. Oddly, he has to thumb the phaser power up to maximum, which should have vaporized her, the conference table, the wall behind her, and pretty much everything for a good hundred meters.

Even more oddly, it never occurs to him to just tackle her and drag her the heck outta there.

Grow up, Dooku.

Sayeth the threadshitter.