WARNING: This thread may be too intense for younger viewers.
Things are getting bumpy, folks. Although Emilie held out despite the fact she was disappointed about the chicken-killing, new problems are arising. First and foremost, the yellow district is extremely lazy. Something must be done about this.
Also, I do believe Michael deserved that gold star over Greg. (Actually, I’d give it to Sophia again, as I believe she’s the only one who’s really trying her hardest, but that would be unfair to the other children, which is why it can’t be done.) The Council was probably right in that Greg only did more work in order to get the star. The question now is, how is Greg going to get his “revenge?” And although the green district did not finish the challenge in time, yet another puzzler on the level of “TV or seven outhouses” was posed: more water pumps, or giant water slide?
I was wondering when this would pop up. I didn’t want to start it.
I was pissed that Greg started, APPEARING, to change his tune.
I was pleased that he is going to more than likely show his Ass next week.
That kid ain’t right. That’s all I have to say.
I’m Glad Emilie stayed. Was it DK who made the point about eating chicken out here is no different?
The star was given to the right person. I would have framed it as “Most Geninuine performance since we have arrived” but then I have 10 years on the oldest child there I believe, so who knows.
Taylor can leave. But then, I already hated her.
Again, are the kids really buying into the History book as real? Is it still REALITY if you can spot the fakeness a mile away?
I hope not. I think at least Laurel knows it’s not real, but she thinks she’s supposed to play along. And maybe she’s being polite and doesn’t want to call the host out as a dimwit. “Gee, that adult thinks this is a real book from 1885? What a maroon!”
I think Greg should have gotten the star, or at least some acknowledgement. It’d help his attitude if he knew that two council members voted for him. Who changed their vote?
Kids that age (any age) can go either way – if they know they’re appreciated, it makes all the difference. You could see it in Greg’s face, he got off to a bad start and no matter what he does, he won’t win the council over.
Yeah, Taylor can leave.
I’m glad they put the chicken in a stew and didn’t try to fry it. But they need the eggs (also a source of protein), so I hope they don’t kill the rest of the hens.
I think they just have to play along for the cameras. Remember Treasure Hunters? I’m sure they all thought that the Da Vinci Code-ripoff about Francis Scott Key hiding a secret treasure was unbelievably stupid, too, but they weren’t going to say that while the cameras were on.
Taylor is an infuriatingly smug, bossy, lazy child. Or at least, she’s being depicted that way by whomever is editing this show. Will the kids ever get to vote out the council members? Are there consequences at all for the Yellow Team’s unwillingness to do their jobs? Like not getting paid or something?
It’s too bad that Laurel’s team is doing so badly. She seems like a genuinely nice kid. Michael too-- he was working his ass off. I like it that Sophia is using her position as a popular and respected citizen to question the government. She’s a good egg too. Emilie is finding out what it’s like to hold an “extremist” minority ethnical opinion in a society, which is not fun.
Greg’s efforts to win the star were a bit transparent. He needs to learn that you can’t kiss ass for one week and make people forget that you vandalized, disrespected, and threatened the community. I wonder what the consequences will be for his revenge.
So either Taylor or Anjay changed their mind. Does it have to be unanimous or is 3 to 1 okay? Seems like they need one more person on the council, as a tie breaker. Some forethought there, producers.
One of the things I’d like about being a kid on Kid Nation is that you can build stuff without getting yelled at, like the two girls with the pet day care. When I was about 10, a few of us took over an abandoned garage and made a home away from home. We borrowed dishes and towels and knickknacks from our moms, stole wooden fruit crates from behind the grocery store to make furniture – good times.
I had forgotten that Greg was one of the vandals. I think this also shows that his newfound working was just an attempt to get the gold star, as the council believed.
Vandals? They scribbled their team name using chalk. High spirited and silly, but not exactly vandalism.
They’re all working for the gold star. It’s hard to tell by looking at the kid what his family finances are like, but he did mention that he needed money for college. He worked his butt off – that was the major criteria for the star – and I think he got screwed because Mike’s holding a grudge.
We didn’t see Michael doing anything that Greg didn’t do, but Michael’s the one with all the charm. Greg needs to learn how to schmooze, that’s all.
Michael (the winner of the gold star, not the council member) did make a statement durring the town hall meeting. The Town council did confer after that moment.
I think that the statement helpped influence the awarding of the second star.
So are Taylor’s parents watching her shirk her responsibilities saying “Young lady, we didn’t teach you that!” or “Wait, they actually expected you to cook? Oh I’m so sorry sweetie. Here’s a present.”
BTW anyone else feel like we’re walking a fine line criticizing these little kids? This show should have come before the Age Of The Messageboard.